Virattu is an Upcoming Action Mystery Tamil Film Written, produced and directed by T. Kumar. Virattu starring Sujiv, Erica Fernandes, Pragya Jaiswal, Manobala,and Bhavana Bhatia. Music composed by Dharan Kumar. Casting Director - Dinesh Nair, Mumbai, Editor - Karthik, and Cinematography - K. Prasad.Synopsis
This action mystery unfolds on a train running from Thailand to Malaysia. Dharan Kumar is the music director. Virattu ia a stor of an incident that happens on a fast-moving train moving from Thailand to Malaysia. Stunt scenes are composed by Dho Dho from Thailand and Williams from Malaysia which are one of the highlights. The audio of the film was released by R. B. Choudary, producer and received by S. J. Suryah, actor-director .