Ang Nawawala is a 2012 Filipino drama film co-written and directed by Marie Jamora. The film stars Dominic Roco, Dawn Zulueta, Boboy Garovillo, Felix Roco, and Annicka Dolonius. The film was first screened as part of the 2012 Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival where it competed under the New Breed category.
Ang Nawawala won the Audience Choice and Best Original Music Score awards during the Cinemalaya competition.
^ "Cinemalaya: Ang Nawawala". Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
^ Cruz, Marinel R. (20 July 2012). "Cinemalaya 2012 award winners bared". Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved 25 September 2012.Synopsis
Gibson Bonifacio stopped speaking when he was a child.
Now twenty years old, he is back in Manila for Christmas. While always festive in the Philippines, for his family it is tinged with sadness, marking the anniversary of his twin brother’s death. Against the backdrop of the vibrant local music scene, his childhood best friend tries to reconnect with him, while he unexpectedly finds a chance at his first, real romantic relationship.