Hard Luck Duck is a What a Cartoon! animated cartoon directed by William Hanna, produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, and broadcast as a part of World Premiere Toons on Cartoon Network on April 16, 1995. The cartoon involves Hard Luck Duck (Russi Taylor), after venturing away from Crocodile Harley (Brad Garrett)'s watch, is a hungry fox (Jim Cummings)'s target to be cooked.
Although he was a producer on many Hanna-Barbera titles until his death in 2001, Hard Luck Duck is notable for being, with fellow What a Cartoon! short Wind-Up Wolf, the last cartoons written and directed by William Hanna, whose career began in the Golden Age of American animation at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) with the short To Spring! (1936) and his later Tom and Jerry series.Synopsis
A villainous fox wants to put Hard Luck Duck on his menu. Hard Luck Duck has a friend/bodyguard, an alligator named Harley. Harley routinely thwarts the fox's efforts to make a meal of the duck.