Winnie the Pooh
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[after he goes personally to take the letter to Santa but the wind blows it away] Please come back! I'm supposed to take you to Santa!
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[after Pooh delivers his makeshift bouncer, he promptly unwraps it] Oh boy, my super-duper bouncer!
[cut to him outside, taking a gigantic bounce with his bouncer for the first time] Hey, I can bounce in the snow! Ho-ho, what a present! Just what I always
wanted! [he and his bouncer fall back to earth, with the bouncer breaking on impact and Tigger almost buried in the snow] Definutely
not what I always wanted.
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Tigger: Hiya Rabbit! Wanna here the good news? Snow does not keep Tiggers from bouncing. Not one bitty bit.
Rabbit: Get off me Tigger!
[Eeyore comes out from under the snow tossing Tigger over and he and Rabbit come face to face]
Rabbit: Eeyore.
Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.
Rabbit: What are you doing under there besides being sad and gloomy?
Eeyore: Not much. As usual.
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[at Tigger's door] Ho, ho - ho?
[closing the door] Gasp! Sandy Claws!
[opens the door again, then closes it] Yep.
[chuckles briefly] That's him! Though I always thought he was taller.
Pooh: Um, it's awfully cold out here in the cold - if I could come in?
[opening the door a third time, then closing it] Why sure, you -
HEY, wait a minute! Isn't Sandy Claws supposed to come down the chimaney?
[looking up to Tigger's roof] Ohhh - ho, ho, ho... bother!
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[Everybody has gotten the wrong gifts]
[to Eeyore] But Santa was supposed to bring you a new home!
[Eeyore is wearing a suitcase on his body]
Eeyore: He did. A mobile home.
[The suitcase breaks open freeing Eeyore in the process] Share this quote on facebook
Rabbit: Piglet what are you doing under there?
Piglet: We both got very scared and I wasn't sure what to do. So I thought this might be a good place for not being sure.
Rabbit: Must you be afraid of everything Piglet?
Piglet: Well I suppose that depends on how frightening it is.
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Rabbit: That's it. That does it! Out! Out! Everybody Out! Out! I've had it! My carrot will never make it through the new year with all of you around! And neither will I! We are both leaving!
Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger, Piglet: Leaving?
Piglet: You mean going away?
Pooh: Where ever will you go?
Rabbit: Oh someplace where there are no honey munching Pooh Bears, no petrified Piglets, no gloomy donkeys, and no always bouncing Tiggers!
Tigger: The brain boggles. What kind of place would that be?
Rabbit: Paradise!