The story centers around three seamen who conduct shady business on board their vessel, Sandy Hook. The film starts with two of them, Tom Jansen (Helge Jordal) and Sverre (Hans Ola Sørlie), taking tourists on a polar bear safari. During this trip and at a later scene at a pub in Longyearbyen, where Tom's girlfriend, Eva Jelseth (Kjersti Holmen) is introduced, the viewers are briefed on the politics of Svalbard and the large Soviet presence. The third seaman, Lars (Sverre Anker Ousdal), presents plans to freight a bulldozer to the mainland from Sarstangen. They have been instructed to dump the bulldozer underway as part of an insurance fraud scheme, but have instead made arrangements to sell the vehicle on Greenland. While at port, Tom is called to visit Governor Bache (Jon Eikemo), who warns that he will be keeping an eye on them.
In the village of Flåklypa, Lom, Gudbrandsdalen (En. Pinchcliffe), the inventor Reodor Felgen (En. Theodore Rimspoke) lives with his animal friends Ludvig (En. Lambert) (a nervous, pessimistic and melancholic hedgehog) and Solan (En. Sonny Duckworth) (a cheerful and optimistic magpie). Reodor works as a bicycle repairman, though he spends most of his time inventing weird Rube Goldberg-like contraptions. One day, the trio discover that one of Reodor's former assistants, Rudolf Blodstrupmoen (En. Rudolph Gore-Slimey), has stolen his design for a race car engine and has become a world champion Formula One driver. Solan secures funding from Arab oil sheik Ben Redic Fy Fazan (En. Abdul Ben Bonanza), who happens to be vacationing in Flåklypa, and to enter the race, the trio builds a gigantic racing car: Il Tempo Gigante—a fabulous construction with two extremely big engines (weighing 2.8 tons alone and making the seismometer in Bergen show 7.8 Richter when started the first time), a body made out of copper, a spinning radar (that turns out to be useful when Blodstrupmoen starts engaging in smoke warfare during the race) and its own blood bank. Reodor ends up winning despite Blodstrupmoen's attempts at sabotage.
Deux amis rencontrent une jeune fille. L'un devient son mari, l'autre son ami. Cependant un jour les trois partent à la chasse dans les montagnes de Norvège. L'un d'entre eux va mourir. Les commentaires intérieurs des personnages intercalés avec les dialogues créent une atmosphère prenante malgré le petit nombre d'actions. Plus qu'une banale affaire de trio amoureux, il s'agit d'un film à suspense dont la fin ne doit pas être révélée.
The morning after their blunder, their boat – containing 8 tons of explosives intended to destroy the air control tower – was attacked by a German vessel. The Norwegians destroyed their boat by exploding their payload, and Baalsrud and some other surviving soldiers fled.
Les amours contrariées de Berit, fille de hobereau, et de Tore, fils de paysans pauvres. Berit s'enfuit de son domicile et fait une chute à cheval. Tore la recueille chez ses parents et la soigne. Sous la pression du père de Berit, un rival, Gjermund, dresse vainement des pièges à Tore. Le jour du mariage, Tore manque d'être happé par le courant d'un fleuve. Mais, l'amour triomphera de ses adversaires…
Petter is a commercial offshore diver in the North Sea during the 1980s. Norway is at the beginning of its program for oil harvesting. Petter and his brother Knut have key roles in laying the first petroleum pipe in the North Sea. Norwegians and Americans are cooperating about diving deeper than anyone previously has done, to prepare for installation of a gas pipe. Petter experiences a tragic accident during a test dive. When he later tries to find out what really happened, he experiences that authorities and his colleagues try to put a smokescreen on the matter.
Champion de curling, Truls Paulsen est un obsessionnel compulsif. Dévoré par ses angoisses, il est contraint d'arrêter de jouer et de faire un séjour dans une clinique psychiatrique. Mais aussitôt sorti et placé sous tutelle, il n'a qu'une idée en tête: reformer l'équipe et gagner le championnat...
A young girl, Johanna (Johanna Gustavsson), is jogging alone in the woods when she is suddenly attacked and seemingly murdered by a mask-wearing maniac with a power drill.
At the Bastøy prison for youths, the newest arrival, Erling "C19," soon becomes friends with Olav ("C1"). Under the rule of Håkon, Erling comes to terms with the harsh winter, the mistreatment by the staff, and the hated Housefather Bråthen. Later, Olav sees Bråthen molesting "C5", Ivar, a timid, shy boy in the laundry room. When he raises this with the Governor, the boys are severely punished and C5 is reassigned to duties far away from Bråthen. However, after hearing that Bråthen expects him to be back in the laundry room tomorrow Ivar drowns himself in the freezing Norwegian waters, while the rest of the boys are chopping wood. Bråthen is apparently fired, to the overwhelming delight of the other boys. Olav is paroled and is planning to leave, but on the way to the departing boat, walks past Bråthen, who had been sent away on a shopping trip until Olav, the only witness to Ivar's rape, had left Bastøy. Olav and Erling attack Bråthen and as punishment they are locked in the freezing solitary confinement. They are freed by Bjern, one of the few Bastøy boys who has remained on the island as a caretaker. Olav again pursues Bråthen, and the attack inspires a mass uprising. The boys ransack the prison, and drive away the staff. Bråthen is repeatedly hung and released and then beaten. The barn he is in is set ablaze, but Erling drags him to safety. The navy is brought in and violently puts down the uprising. Olav and Erling manage to escape across a frozen fjord back to the mainland, but Erling falls through a gap in the ice close to shore and quickly freezes to death.
The story, set during the Cold War, involves the conflict between the Norwegian ninjas, King Olav V's secret army tasked to maintain Norway's independence, and a clandestine stay-behind group who carry out false flag operations that get blamed on Communists.
After fighting the Soviets as a volunteer during the Winter War in Finland, Max Manus returns to Norway, finding it occupied by the Nazis. He joins with the Norwegian resistance movement in their fight against the Germans but is arrested. He manages to escape to Scotland where he receives British Commando training before being sent back to Norway to carry out sabotage missions against the occupying forces. Returning to Norway with his friend Gregers Gram, his first mission is an attack on German supply ships. He is spectacularly successful, and soon he becomes a special target for the local Gestapo chief Siegfried Fehmer. Manus, however, avoids capture, and with Gram and Gunnar Sønsteby he forms the so-called "Oslo Gang".