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Films from the country "pakistan", sorted by revenue

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Sangam (1964)

Directed by Zahir Raihan
Origin Pakistan
Genres Drama

Kartar Singh
Origin Pakistan
Actors Sudhir, Musarrat Nazir, Inayat Hussain Bhatti, Ghulam Mohammed

This film is set in village in Punjab, India where Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs are living peacefully. Prem Nath Zarif is most respected in the village. Sudhir, is renowned World War II veteran who has fought in Burma and lives in the village. Kartar Singh is the main villain who is petty criminal and a trouble maker. When Partition of India happens, the Muslims of the village including the hero Umer and his love lady Mussarat Nazir wants to migrate to Pakistan. They are leaving when there is hostility and violence everywhere. During this time, Umer Din's sister (Laila) is abducted by the Sikhs but she is protected by an elderly Sikh who gives her shelter and looks after her. When his son tries to force himself on her, the old man kills him. The old man sends Umer Din a letter that his sister is safe and unviolated and sends her safely to Pakistan. Kartar Singh on one of his raids has a scuffle with Umer Din, who works with the Border Police, at the border. Umer shoots him but just wounds him and lets him go. His life saved, Kartar Singh has a change of heart. In order to redeem himself, he takes Umer's younger brother, sheltered by Prem Nath, back to him in Pakistan. But he is killed at the border as Umer feels he has come on one of his raids again and shoots him down.