In this documentary, the filmmaker Rehad Desai takes us on an intimate journey mapped out by the scars etched into his family's life from having a father who was intensely involved in politics. Barney Desai was a political hero during South Africa's struggle for freedom, yet as a father he was damagingly absent emotionally. Rehad spent most of his young life in exile and became politically active himself. On this intensely personal journey into his past, Rehad realizes he is following in his fathers footsteps as he reviews his relationship with his own estranged teenage son.
En 2000, Robert Mugabe soumet à la population une nouvelle constitution incorporant notamment une réforme agraire avec des expropriations sans compensation et surtout une amnistie permanente aux militaires et aux membres du gouvernement. Il rompt ainsi la promesse faite à 4 000 fermiers blancs, à son arrivée au pouvoir en 1990. Robert Mugabe les avait rassuré contre toute expropriation forcée et quelques milliers d'hectares avaient été redistribués pacifiquement.
L’apartheid supprimé, l’Afrique du Sud peut s’ouvrir au tourisme international. Sol Kerzner crée le Palace de la Cité Perdue. Niché au cœur d’une oasis artificielle, ce luxueux complexe hôtelier se trouve dans un homeland misérable. À travers le portrait du Palace de la Cité Perdue se révèle une face cachée de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud.
The Southern Sun is a generation ship, or a spacefaring vessel that contains a large number of people, whose mission is to colonize a new world. Its voyage has lasted generations, so many of its inhabitants have been born and will die without ever setting foot on solid ground. This does not please the antagonist, Elijah Kalgan, who conspires with the pirates infesting the nearby Corona Borealis system and the ship’s Chief Engineer MacPhearson. Kalgan hatches a plot to disrupt the Southern Sun’s navigation systems and use the Enforcers, the ship’s police force, to hijack the ship and direct it towards this system. At this point, the inhabitants of the Southern Sun will have no choice but to accept his "generosity".