The movie begins by suggesting that friends and political allies of George W. Bush at Fox News Channel tilted the election of 2000 by prematurely declaring Bush the winner. It then suggests the handling of the voting controversy in Florida constituted election fraud.
Le film s’inspire de l’essai Fast Food Nation d’Eric Schlosser. Il traite de la production de nourriture à grande échelle aux États-Unis et conclut que la viande et les légumes produits par ce type d’industrie sont mauvais pour la santé et pour l’environnement malgré les messages et l'imagerie présents sur les emballages des aliments. Pour cela l'enquête s'attache sur l'élevage industriel de bovins et d'ovins en interrogeant des éleveurs enchaînés à leurs emprunts dans le but de suivre le cahier des charges des grandes firmes agroalimentaires comme Cargill ou Smithfield Foods ainsi que sur le rôle prépondérant du maïs la plupart du temps maïs génétiquement modifié dans la composition de la quasi-totalité des produits vendus en supermarché aux Etats-Unis et ailleurs dans le monde. Le témoignage d'une mère devenue défenseuse des droits des consommateurs à la suite du décès accidentel de son fils, Kevin Kowalcyk, empoisonné par la bactérie Escherichia coli après avoir mangé un hamburger apporte un argument supplémentaire. Cette famille a obtenu gain de cause avec l'adoption de la Kevin's Law. [...]See more...
The investigation into Arnold Friedman's life started after a federal sting operation, when he received a magazine of child pornography from the Netherlands by mail. In searching his Great Neck, New York home, investigators found a collection of child pornography. After learning that Friedman taught children computer classes from his home, local police began to suspect him of abusing his students.
Trois ans après l'attaque qui l'a laissée en partie sourde et paralysée d'une partie du visage, Malala Yousafzai raconte sa nouvelle vie en Angleterre, à Birmingham où sa famille est réfugiée depuis son attaque. On la suit dans la vie de tous les jours, dont celui où, pour son seizième anniversaire, elle prononce un discours devant l'Organisation des Nations unies. Davis Giggenheim a suivi son quotidien pendant dix-huit mois.
Dror Moreh a décidé de réaliser ce film après avoir mesuré l'importance décisive du Shabak (Shin Beth) sur la scène politique israélienne depuis quarante ans. Ces six directeurs à la retraite de la sécurité israélienne évoquent leurs victoires et les échecs passés sans nostalgie. Très critiques vis-à-vis des politiques menées par leurs gouvernements (à l'exception de celui d'Yitzhak Rabin), ils défendent tous un changement radical de politique en Israël : la recherche de la paix et la reconnaissance au plus tôt de l’État palestinien.
The documentary focuses on the captivity of Tilikum, an orca involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity. The coverage of Tilikum includes his capture in 1983 off the coast of Iceland, and purported harassment by fellow captive orcas at Sealand of the Pacific, incidents that Cowperthwaite argues contributed to the orca's aggression and includes testimonial from Lori Marino, Director of Science with the Nonhuman Rights Project. Cowperthwaite also focuses on SeaWorld's claims that lifespans of orcas in captivity are comparable to those in the wild, typically 30 years for males and 50 years for females, a claim the film argues is false. Interview subjects also include former SeaWorld trainers, such as John Hargrove, who describe their experiences with Tilikum and other captive whales. [...]See more...
Un nouveau regard - percutant et désespérant - sur la guerre en Irak, où comment le président américain George W. Bush et son administration, en l'occurrence la CIA, manipulèrent les masses.
Delbert, Bill, Lyman et Roscoe Ward vivent depuis toujours dans la même ferme de quarante hectares, au milieu de l'état de New-York. Ils ont entre cinquante-neuf ans et soixante et onze ans. Célibataires naïfs et presque illettrés, ils occupent deux pièces dans une cabane délabrée, sans eau courante, ni téléphone. Depuis leur enfance, Delbert et Bill partagent le même lit. La nuit du 6 juin 1990, Bill est retrouvé mort dans son lit. Le matin, Delbert est arrêté ; il a avoué le meurtre de Bill par étouffement. Pendant dix mois, il clame son innocence malgré ses premiers aveux. Les 499 habitants de Munnsville pensent que Delbert a signé un document qu'il ne savait pas lire. Ils organisent sa défense et récoltent 10 000 dollars pour le faire libérer sous caution. Le procès s'ouvre le 18 Mars 1991. [...]See more...
The story began on Thanksgiving weekend in 1976. In October 1976, 28-year-old Randall Adams and his brother had left Ohio. They were driving to California. En route, they arrived in Dallas on the night of Thanksgiving, Thursday 25 November 1976. The next morning, Adams was offered a job. On Saturday, 27 November Adams went to start work at his new job but no one turned up because it was a weekend. On the way home, his car ran out of fuel.
The film follows former dolphin trainer and activist Ric O'Barry's quest to document the dolphin hunting operations in Taiji, Wakayama, Japan. In the 1960s, O'Barry helped capture and train the five wild dolphins who shared the role of "Flipper" in the hit television series of the same name. The show, very popular, fueled widespread public adoration of dolphins, influencing the development of marine parks that included dolphins in their attractions. After one of the dolphins, in O'Barry's opinion, committed a form of suicide in his arms by closing her blowhole voluntarily in order to suffocate, O'Barry came to see the dolphin's captivity and the dolphin capture industry as a curse, not a blessing. Days later, he was arrested off the island of Bimini, attempting to cut a hole in the sea pen in order to set free a captured dolphin. Since then, according to the film, O'Barry has dedicated himself full-time as an advocate on behalf of dolphins around the world. [...]See more...
Mexique. Dans un petit village du Michoacán, José Mireles, un physicien qui se fait appeler El Doctor, est à la tête d’Autodefensas, un mouvement citoyen contre le Knights Templar, le plus redoutable cartel de drogue de la région qui sévit depuis plusieurs années. Parallèlement, dans la Vallée de la Cocaïne, ce canyon désertique de 84km de long dans l’Arizona, le vétéran Tim ‘Nailer’ Foley et son groupe paramilitaire Arizona Border Recon, luttent contre l’invasion de la guerre des cartels mexicains en Arizona.
Paper Clips takes place in the rural, blue-collar Tennessee community of Whitwell, where a middle-school class attempts to gauge the magnitude of World War II's Holocaust by collecting paper clips, each of which represents a human life lost in the Nazis' slaughter of Jews. The idea came in 1998 from three of the teachers at the school and was completed in their eighth grade classrooms. The students ultimately succeeded in collecting over 25 million paperclips.
Bourdin, who turned out to have a long record of impersonating various children, real or imaginary, embellished his claim to be Nicholas Barclay by alleging that he had been kidnapped for purposes of sexual abuse by Mexican, European, and U.S. military personnel and transported from Texas to Spain. His impersonation fooled several officials in Spain and the U.S., and he was apparently accepted by many of Barclay's family members, even though he was seven years older than Barclay, spoke with a French accent, and had brown eyes and dark hair rather than Barclay's blue eyes and blonde hair. The impersonation was eventually unearthed as a result of the suspicions of a private investigator, Charles (Charlie) Parker, and an FBI agent, Nancy Fisher. Bourdin subsequently made a full confession, and in the film he elaborates on the various stages in his impersonation. [...]See more...
The film begins with a recap of Cobain's death and the media coverage which followed. Broomfield then interviews Cobain's aunt Mari who helped his love for music when he was a child. This interview is followed up with several from friends and schoolteachers who knew Cobain when he was growing up before moving onto Cobain's relationship with Courtney Love.