When Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérő), having succumbed to Lucifer's temptation, are cast out of the Garden of Eden, Adam holds Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog) to his promise, reminding him that "You said I would know everything!". So Lucifer grants Adam a dream of the world to come. And what a bizarre dream: Adam becomes Miltiades in Athens; a knight called Tancred in Byzantium; Kepler in Prague; Danton in revolutionary Paris; and a nameless suitor in Victorian London. Guided by a deceptively sweet but ultimately contemptuous Lucifer, Adam confronts an endless procession of the horror of the human story ... rapists and concubines, betrayal and savagery, mindless cruelty and fanaticism.
Marie, a student, works at her father's Swiss gas station and plays basketball for a local team; she claims to be a virgin and maintains a chaste relationship with her boyfriend Joseph, a taxi cab driver and college dropout. Joseph remains loyal to Marie even though she will not sleep with him, and another girl, Juliette, entreats him to be with her. When a passing stranger named Uncle Gabriel (who arrives by jet plane and is accompanied by a small girl who acts as his secretary) informs Marie that she will become pregnant despite remaining chaste, she is at first shocked and confused. For his part, Joseph cannot believe that Marie can be pregnant and a virgin, so he accuses her of sleeping around. Gabriel aggressively schools Joseph to accept Marie's pregnancy, while Marie comes to terms with God's plan through meditations that are sometimes angry and usually punctuated by elemental images of the sun, moon, clouds, flowers, and water.
Abram lives in Harran, a rich city. His wife Sarah (Barbara Hershey) is childless, and their only heir is Eliezer of Damascus. One day he hears the voice of God, who says that he must leave Haran and travel to an unknown land. God promises to make a great nation from him and renames him Abraham. The pattern for the plot is the Genesis chapters 11-25.
Sous le règne du Pharaon Ramsès 2, les hébreux, entrés en Égypte, sont réduis en esclavage. Mais une prédiction annonce la naissance d'un futur Roi hébreu qui prendra le pouvoir. Ramsès 2 ordonne alors l'exécution de tous les nouveaux nés juifs de sexe masculin. Lochebed, mère de Moïse, afin d'épargner son premier fils d'une mort certaine, le place dans une corbeille en osier et l'abandonne sur le Nil. Il grandira au sein même de la famille du Pharaon. Ayant appris qu'il était hébreux et guidé par Dieu, Moïse libère son peuple. Le long voyage pour la Terre Promise commence.
Palestine, 1200 ans avant J-C : Une révolte gronde au sein du peuple hébreu, sous le joug des philistins. Mais aucun homme n'est assez courageux pour devenir leur chef et organiser leur libération. Un jour pourtant, un inconnu apparaît à une femme du nom de Mara et lui annonce : 'Tu mettras au monde un fils. Il sera plus fort que cent hommes et désigné pour lutter contre les philistins. En signe d'obéïssance au Seigneur, il ne faudra jamais lui couper les cheveux'... Plus tard, cet enfant appelé Samson devient célèbre, surtout lorsqu'il tue Mahal, le chef de l'armée philistine. Le Général TARIQ propose alors au Roi un plan pour se débarrasser de Samson. Dalila devra le séduire et découvrir le secret de sa force.
The Keller family are the owners of a successful garment business based in Los Angeles, California. The story mainly revolves around Jacob Keller's (John Saxon) youngest son Joseph (Freddy Rodriguez). Because Jacob treats Joseph as if he is his favorite son, Joseph's brothers Ashton, Simon, and Robert plot to eliminate Joseph. They accomplish this by going on a business trip with Joseph, only to have him kidnapped and taken to a sweat shop run by sadist Frank Childress (Brion James).
Norman Waters (Tony Danza) is a carpenter who is told by an angel named Zach (Wallace Shawn) to rebuild Noah's Ark in 40 days to prepare for a great flood.
It is the present day. In their home, the family Camboro - Eileen, Calvin and Tom – reminisce a childhood memory of an afternoon picnic. Tom’s brother-in law Jason abruptly enters the kitchen. Jason makes unsettling comments about European President Franco Macalousso, an outspoken advocate for global peace and unity. Tom Camboro believes that Jason needs psychiatric help, to the disagreement of his wife Suzy, who distrusts hospitals and doctors.
In ancient America, Helam witnesses the star heralding the birth of Christ, and 33 years later he faithfully awaits the promised coming of the Messiah despite persecution for this belief. Helam's son, Jacob, is interested more in the ways of the world, including the lovely Laneah, and when his abilities as an artisan bring an offer to work for the wealthy and powerful Kohor, he jumps at the chance and is estranged from his father's house.
The film portrays Noah as a resident of Sodom and Gomorrah. The two towns are fighting each other simply for the amusement of their residents. During the fight, Lot, Noah's friend, is injured in the fight, and comes to Noah for help. At the end of the fight, the leader of Gomorrah is killed with his head chopped off and put on a stake, as Sodom claims victory. The next day, Noah's sons excitedly ask their father if he took part in the deadly fight. God then asks Noah to go to Mount Tubac, where God reveals that the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah has provoked God to destroy the cites. After Noah fails to find ten righteous people other than Lot and his wife, Noah and his family flee the city with Lot and his wife, who looks back at Sodom as it is being destroyed by fire and brimstone and turns into a pillar of salt. The next day, they encounter a man selling household goods including pots, pans, hats, etc., which is believed to be God in disguise.