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Films with theme "Submarine films", sorted by revenue

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The Key
The Key (1958)
, 2h14
Directed by Carol Reed
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors William Holden, Sophia Loren, Trevor Howard, Oskar Homolka, Bernard Lee, Kieron Moore

American David Ross (William Holden), a former tugboat captain now in the Canadian army, is hastily commissioned in the Royal Navy and assigned to rotating command of W88, a double-crewed rescue tug then in dry dock due to battle damage. His predecessor was a suicide. The slow, poorly armed tugboats bring in "lame ducks," freighters crippled near England by German attacks. The main danger is from U-boats and aircraft.
Atragon (1963)
, 1h36
Directed by Ishirō Honda
Origin Japon
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, La fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Films based on science fiction novels, Natural horror films, Films about dragons, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Tadao Takashima, Kenji Sahara, Akihiko Hirata, Yu Fujiki, Ken Uehara, Hiroshi Koizumi

The legendary empire of the lost continent of Mu reappears to threaten the world with domination. While countries unite to resist, an isolated World War II Captain has created the greatest warship ever seen, and possibly the surface world's only defense.
Submarine X-1, 1h30
Directed by William A. Graham
Origin United-kingdom
Genres War, Action
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors James Caan, Norman Bowler, Paul Young, Brian Grellis, George Pravda, William Dysart

The film begins with Commander Bolton and a few surviving crew members of his 50-man submarine Gauntlet swimming ashore after unsuccessfully attacking German battleship Lindendorf. After a review, Captain Bolton is cleared of any wrongdoing and placed in charge of a small group of experimental X class submarines. His mission is to quickly train crews to man the submarines and sink the Lindendorf while it is hidden away in a Norwegian fiord.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 10minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Pirate films, Films based on science fiction novels, Films about cephalopods
Actors Georges Méliès

Yves, a fisherman, comes home after a tiring day of fishing and soon falls asleep. In his dream, he is visited by the Fairy of the Ocean, who leads him to a submarine. Yves is made Lieutenant-in-Command and sets off on a submarine voyage.
Latitude Zero, 1h29
Directed by Ishirō Honda
Origin Japon
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films
Actors Joseph Cotten, Cesar Romero, Akira Takarada, Masumi Okada, Richard Jaeckel, Patricia Medina

Three men (Dr. Ken Tashiro, Dr. Jules Masson, and Perry Lawton) are trapped in a bathysphere due to seismic activity. They are rescued by the crew of the supersubmarine Alpha, captained by Craig Mackenzie (Cotten), who they learn is over 200 years old (and that the Alpha was launched in the early 19th century). Mackenzie takes them to Latitude Zero to deal with the serious injuries of Dr Masson. While returning to Latitude Zero, they are attacked by a rival supersubmarine, the Black Shark, captained by Kuroi, who works for a rival of Mackenzie, Malic, who is also over 200 years old and has a base at Blood Rock.
The Secret of the Submarine
Origin USA
Genres Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films
Actors Juanita Hansen, Tom Chatterton, Lamar Johnstone, George Gebhardt, George Clancey, Perry Banks

The heroes must keep the titular submarine from falling into the hands of the Russians or Japanese.
A Submarine Pirate
Directed by Charles Avery, Sydney Chaplin
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Pirate films
Actors Sydney Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin, Wesley Ruggles, Glen Cavender, Phyllis Allen, Harold Lloyd

Un inventeur et son complice prévoient de voler un navire transportant des lingots d'or en utilisant un sous-marin.
Without a Trace
Origin Argentine
Genres Animation
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films

The plot revolved around the recent incident involving the German commander Baron von Luxburg who sank an Argentine ship intending to frame the Entente for the act. Reports from survivors helped everyone to realize what had truly happened.
The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, 1h10
Directed by Rupert Julian
Origin USA
Genres War, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Lon Chaney, Rupert Julian, Elmo Lincoln, Nigel De Brulier, Harry von Meter, Harry Carter

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Hohenzollern (Rupert Julian) is a vain and arrogant tyrant eager for conquest. When Belgium is invaded by the German army during World War I, Marcas, the blacksmith (Elmo Lincoln), although wounded, is able to save his daughter from the clutches of a German soldier. Soon after this, the RMS Lusitania is sunk by Captain von Neigle (Nigel De Brulier), who ultimately is driven mad with remorse. After the United States declares war, the Allied generals turn the Kaiser over to Albert I of Belgium. Incarcerated, the Kaiser faces his jailer, Marcas the blacksmith.
Mare Nostrum, 1h42
Directed by Rex Ingram, Rex Ingram
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Spy
Themes Spy films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Antonio Moreno, Alice Terry, Hughie Mack, Fernand Mailly, Andrews Engelmann, Frédéric Mariotti

As a young boy growing up in a Spanish family with a long and very distinguished maritime tradition, Ulysses Ferragut is regaled with tales of the sea by his retired uncle, the "Triton" (Apollon), and is particularly fascinated by his claim to have once seen the sea goddess Amphitrite. Though his lawyer father, Don Esteban, wants him to follow in his footsteps, Ulysses becomes a sailor.
Submarine (1928)
, 1h33
Directed by Irvin Willat, Frank Capra
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films
Actors Jack Holt, Ralph Graves, Dorothy Revier, Clarence Burton, Joe Bordeaux

Two sailor buddies have their friendship torn apart after the woman they both are in love with chooses one over the other. Their relationship gets re-evaluated when one of them becomes trapped in a submarine and the other gets sent on the rescue mission.
The Sea Ghost, 1h4
Directed by William Nigh
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Alan Hale, Clarence Wilson, Claud Allister, Laura La Plante, Tom London, Harry Cording

Navy Lieutenant Greg Winters (Alan Hale) is found guilty by a court-martial for pausing briefly to prepare to rescue survivors of the Alatania, a torpedoed ship, rather than attacking immediately the submarine responsible. As a result, he is sidelined for the rest of World War I.
Hell Below
Hell Below (1933)
, 1h41
Directed by Jack Conway
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Robert Montgomery, Walter Huston, Madge Evans, Jimmy Durante, Eugene Pallette, Robert Young

When the commander of the United States Navy submarine AL-14 is wounded on its last cruise, Lieutenant Thomas Knowlton (Robert Montgomery), the second in command, hopes to be promoted and take his place. However, Lieutenant Commander T. J. Toler (Walter Huston) shows up and takes over.
Dawn (1933)
, 1h25
Directed by Gustav Ucicky, Vernon Sewell
Origin German
Genres Drama, War
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Rudolf Forster, Paul Westermeier, Camilla Spira, Gerhard Bienert, Friedrich Gnaß, Hans Leibelt

L'équipage d'un sous-marin allemand sous le commandement du capitaine-lieutenant Liers est de nouveau en mer pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Les hommes ont eu du mal à dire au revoir à leurs compagnes, mais le devoir les appelle. La mère de Liers a déjà perdu deux fils dans la guerre et redoute sa disparition.