The idyllic jungle life of Tarzan (Gordon Scott), Jane (Eve Brent) and Tartu (Rickie Sorensen) is interrupted by a drum message telling them of predatory hunters loose in the jungle. Tarzan disrupts the animal-collecting expedition of the hunters, Schroeder (Lesley Bradley) and Rene (Maurice Marsac); he frees a baby elephant whose mother they have killed and then leads the elephant herd against them when they make hostages of Tartu and Cheeta the chimp. Afterwards he warns off two other hunters, Sikes (Saul Gorse) and Lapin (William Keene), seeking to plunder the lost city of Zarbo. He is attacked by their men, but escapes and shadows their party. Aware of Tarzan's continued presence, the hunters capture his native friend Tyana (Sherman Crothers), and trap the ape man when he tries to free him. Tyana's tribe rescues the two. Finally, the hunters reach Zarbo, but find it empty of both people and treasure. In a final conflict, Tarzan overcomes the villains, who are then turned over to the authorities by the natives.
John and Alice Clayton (Lord and Lady Greystoke) are marooned on the coast of Africa, where their son, John Clayton, Jr., is born. The baby is orphaned when both parents die of a mysterious disease, but is adopted by Kala and Kerchak, members of the tribe of Brown Apes.
Tarzan is called to India to save three hundred elephants, that will be drowned if a dam is opened to create a man-made lake to power an electric plant. Tarzan is pitted against two engineers who ignore the catastrophic results their work will create.
The Bantons (father, Abel (John Carradine) and four sons, Coy (Jock Mahoney), Ethan (Ron McDonnell), Johnny (Gary Cockrell) and Martin (Al Mulock)) rob a pay office in a settlement, killing some people. Coy Banton is tracked down to their camp and taken away by a policeman, Wyntors (John Sullivan). Taking him back to town, Wyntors is killed as two of the brothers seek to rescue Coy. Tarzan appears and kills Ethan Banton. The other brother escapes. Tarzan decides to take Coy to Kairobi for the $5000 reward so he can give it to Wyntors' widow. However, no one in the town of Mantu (same town as beginning of Tarzan's Greatest Adventure) wants to help him. The boat he is waiting for to take him and his prisoner to Kairobi is ambushed by the Bantons, who send the passengers off and destroy the boat.
Augustus Vinero (David Opatoshu) is a wealthy international criminal known for his habit of sending explosive wristwatches or necklaces to those not in his favour. When he hears of Ramel (Manuel Padilla Jr.), a small boy who may know the location of the fabled Valley of Gold in Mexico, he sends a death squad of plainclothes mercenaries which destroys the farmhouse (and its inhabitants) where Ramel is being sheltered.
Tarzan is called to Brazil by an old friend, The Professor (Paulo Gracindo) to help stop the Jaguar Cult, led by Barcuma (Rafer Johnson), from destroying native villages and enslaving the survivors in his search for diamonds. Tarzan is assisted by Captain Sam Bishop (Jan Murray), a riverboat pilot, and Bishop's young ward, Pepe (Manuel Padilla Jr.), as well as Baron (a lion) and Cheeta (a chimpanzee). On their way they encounter Dr. Ann Philips (Diana Millay), who has witnessed the destruction of a village, and wants to continue fighting a plague by giving much-needed inoculations to natives who live along the Amazon River.
Adventures of Tarzan is the popular story of Tarzan, made in Hindi language.Ruby Shetty and her widowed dad live a wealthy lifestyle. Ruby's father often travels to deep jungles of India in search of a fabled tribe in the Shakabhoomi region. The people who have tried to trace the tribe have never returned. This time Ruby also decides to accompany her dad. She is introduced to a man named D.K. by her dad and he would like her to get married to D.K. Later days, Ruby does a number of misadventures and is rescued by an ape-like man called Tarzan and both falls in love. Tarzan does not have experience with outside world and cannot speak any language as well, but he is intrigued by Ruby annoying D.K.. Ruby's dad and D.K plans to capture Tarzan and take him to work for Apollo Circus owned by Krishnakant Verma. Tarzan is captured before Tarzan and Ruby's romance could take wing. Tarzan is chained and taken to the circus and made to spend the rest of his days performing various acts, thus leaving D.K. to marry Ruby. Would Tarzan escape from Circus ? Would Ruby agrees to marry D.K. ? All these questions are answered in Climax.
Tarzan sauve une jeune Amazone des griffes d'un tigre, sous les yeux de Boy et de Cheeta. Il la ramène dans la cité perdue de son peuple, endroit qu'il est le seul à connaître. Mais Boy l'a suivi et découvre ce site merveilleux. Jane revient d'Angleterre, accompagnée d'un groupe de savants dirigé par Sir Guy Henderson. Un bracelet en or pur, perdu par l'Amazone, tombe entre leurs mains. Si Henderson n'est là que pour observer des civilisations disparues, d'autres membres de l'expédition se montrent plus cupides. Jane est chargée de convaincre Tarzan de leur montrer le chemin de la cité.
Tarzan part pour New York afin de sauver la vie de son chimpanzé Cheetah enlevé par un trafiquant d'animaux sauvages. Dans ce nouvel environnement, il sera aidé de Jane Porter, chauffeur de taxi d'archimedes Porter, son père ancien policier de la ville devenu détective privé.
Tarzan leaves Africa and goes to present-day New York City to seek vengeance for the murder of his Ape mother Kala, and to rescue Cheeta who was taken by hunters working for B. B. Brightmore (Jan-Michael Vincent) and his Brightmore Foundation. Soon Tarzan discovers this supposed philanthropic organization is conducting illegal tests on animal brains in an effort to transfer the thoughts and knowledge of one creature to another, and he sets out to rescue the animals and expose Brightmore. He is aided by Jane Porter (a cab driver, played by Kim Crosby) and her father, Archimedes "Archie" Porter (Tony Curtis), a retired police officer, now the head of his own security agency.