Kate finds herself reliving Christmas Eve (including a blind date with a man named Miles) over and over again. She must discover how to break the cycle – should she attempt to win back her ex-boyfriend Jack, or should she pursue Miles, or something else?
2028. La Terre souffre en raison d'une crise d'énergie majeure. Tous les regards et espoirs sont tournés vers une mission à bord d'une station spatiale internationale nommée Cloverfield. À son bord, l'accélérateur de particules Shepard est testé. Après une tentative de lancement de la machine, une surcharge se produit. Suite à cet incident, les scientifiques de la mission découvrent que la Terre a disparu. D'autres événements étranges vont alors se produire au sein de la station, mettant en danger l'ensemble de l'équipage.
Lisa Johnson, the ghost of a teenage girl who becomes aware that she is dead, haunts a house somewhere in northern Ontario. Along with her parents and brother, who are unaware that they are dead, she is stuck on the same day they were murdered in 1985. As she becomes more aware of her circumstances, she realizes that she can make contact with people in other timelines. As she explores this ability, a pale man appears and warns her to stop. Undeterred, Lisa uses personal items from other people killed in the house to make a connection with Olivia, part of a family living in the house in the future who will become the next set of victims.
Dans un monde apocalyptique, les réserves de pétrole sont asséchées. Enfermé dans une maison et assiégé par l'ennemi, un ingénieur a en sa possession une technologie qui peut mettre fin à la guerre civile en libérant une réserve d'énergie illimitée. Mais cette technologie a créé une anomalie : il se réveille aux côtés de son amie Hannah à 6 h 16, ils sont attaqués par des hommes masqués, enchaînés au sous sol de la maison devant la machine ARQ et.... le même jour recommence encore et encore...
Benjamin est un lycéen qui est secrètement amoureux d'une autre élève, Leila. Lors d'un samedi où il est contraint d'aller au lycée pour deux heures de colle, il se retrouve assis à côté de Leila. Or, il est bloqué dans une boucle temporelle : s’il s’éloigne de sa bien-aimée plus de trois minutes, il est renvoyé au début de la colle ! En fait, le génie de l’application Akinator a exaucé son vœu de la veille : « Je voudrais que Leila et moi on soit ensemble »...
During a sing-along at Camp Hiawatha in 1981, two revelers sneak away to have sex, and are killed by an unseen assailant. Twenty-four years later, four friends (Angela, Jen, Mario, and Vade) are driving through the area on their way to Boston. The quartet becomes lost (passing the same sign several times) and their SUV breaks down after night comes unusually early. All the electronics fail to work, and the group is thrown into hysterics when screams emanate from the surrounding forest, and the vehicle is pelted with debris, prompting them to spend the night in it.
After a disturbing title sequence establishing dread and foreboding in a salvage yard, the film proper begins with Claire closing out her graveyard shift at the convenience store. She is to be picked up by her boyfriend and driven home but instead someone else, who identifies himself as "Duke" is driving her boyfriend's truck. After an unsettling ride home during which Duke makes increasingly overt sexual comments about her, Claire closes herself into the safety of her house, but Duke shows up at her door again, claiming she has dropped an earring. Claire refuses to let him in, and he drops the earring on her front porch and apparently leaves. Claire spends several agonizing moments crouched in the doorway retrieving the earring, but upon successfully recapturing it and pulling the door closed, finds her back door has swung open. Duke has entered the house from the rear and proceeds to brutally murder Claire.
Kyle Halsted, Sonia Logan, and Michael Weeks are inmates at a rehabilitation facility. Bob Simpson, the administrator, tasks them with apologizing to those they have hurt with their addiction. When Kyle attempts to apologize to his younger sister Charlotte, she angrily blows him off, and the principal kicks him off school grounds. Sonia goes to the hospital where her dying father is a patient, but she is unable to bring herself to face him. Michael visits his father in jail, but the conversation is cut short by his father's abusive threats. When Bob tries to get them to discuss their day in group therapy, they refuse, and Michael storms off. Later, while discussing the pointlessness of Bob's therapy, Sonia is told that her father has died. As the trio try to deal with their emotional pain, a storm rolls in, and each of them is shocked and knocked unconscious.
A van arrives at a gas station, where a nearby newspaper announces an "unidentified girl found dead in forest". The van belongs to a group of seven friends – Michael, Lyla, TJ, Claire, Lex, Rose, and Guy – who are traveling to a mutual friend's cabin in the woods for a vacation. Michael, who is driving, gets lost in the dark and swerves to avoid a waving figure in the road. The van crashes, which forces them to travel by foot. They arrive at a well-furnished cabin where Rose finds a written note telling "TJ, Lex, Claire" to wait there for them, so they assume that this is the house.
Barry Thomas is bored with his job and moons over high-profile scientist Lisa Fredericks. On the way home, Barry sees Lisa fatally shot and takes it very hard. While at home at midnight, he receives a strong electrical shock. The next morning the events of the previous day are repeating themselves and Barry is the only one who realizes that the world is stuck in a time loop. During several repetitions, Barry figures out how to save Lisa and get closer to her. His actions also get him fired and arrested for knowing too much about events. Barry and Lisa eventually learn that her boss, Dr. Thadius Moxley, is conducting illegal and unethical experiments with faster-than-light particle acceleration that have caused the time loop. In fact, it was Lisa's partial knowledge of Dr. Moxley’s illegal activities that resulted in her murder by his henchmen. After getting involved with an undercover government agent, they must stop her boss from starting his experiment at the end of a loop or the world will be trapped forever repeating the same day.