Robert "Bobby" James Ewing is a fictional character in the long-running soap opera, Dallas and its 2012 revival. The youngest son of Jock and Miss Ellie Ewing, he was portrayed by actor Patrick Duffy between 1978 and 1985, and again from 1986 to 1991. Bobby had been killed off in the final episode of the 1984–1985 season, and Patrick Duffy left the show for a year. Bobby returned to the show in the famous "shower scene" right at the end of the 1985–1986 season. The subsequent "dream revelation" at the start of the 1986–1987 season, wrote off Bobby's accident, Bobby's death and all but the final scene of the 1985–1986 season, as a dream of Bobby's fiancée and ex-wife, Pamela Barnes Ewing (Victoria Principal).
Patrick Duffy later returned to play Bobby again in the 1996 film, J.R. Returns, then in the 1998 film, War of the Ewings, as well as in the new Dallas series from 2012 to 2014.
Dallas was originally planned to center on Bobby's Romeo and Juliet-style marriage to Pamela Barnes, who was from the rival Barnes family. According to Dallas scriptwriter and story editor Camille Marchetta, Bobby was initially going to be killed off by the end of the first season, leaving Pamela to become the central character of the series. Bobby's character was kept but the show ended up being focused around his older brother, J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman), as it became clear that he was the breakout character. Still, Bobby retained his central role as the show's primary hero, and the Abel to J.
, 2h OriginUSA GenresDrama ActorsPatrick Duffy, Linda Gray, Larry Hagman, Michelle Johnson, Steve Kanaly, George Kennedy Rating62% The opening scene is reminiscent of the shower scene with Bobby (Patrick Duffy) and Pamela Barnes Ewing from the original series, but with Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray) entering and kissing Bobby. Again, this is a dream of J.R. Ewing's (Larry Hagman). Bobby and Sue Ellen now own Ewing Oil, and J.R., who seized control of West Star Oil from Carter McKay (George Kennedy) in J.R. Returns wants to regain the company. This would give him control of the top two independent oil companies in Texas. He applies for a loan to use in a hostile takeover, but is declined because he doesn't have enough assets to cover the loan.