Ignignokt and Err (known collectively as The Mooninites) are fictional characters on the Adult Swim animated television series Aqua Teen Hunger Force (also known by various alternative titles). Ignignokt and Err are both two dimensional alien villains from the Moon who frequently visit Earth and cause senseless destruction and chaos for the main protagonists. Ignignokt is the larger of the two who frequently appears as more calm and patient, whereas Err appears more temperamental and hyper. Both characters were created by series creators Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro. Willis provides the voice of Ignignokt and Maiellaro provides the voice of Err.
The Mooninites were also the main protagonists in a television pilot for a potential Aqua Teen Hunger Force spin-off entitled Spacecataz, which was never picked up for a full series or aired on television, outside of clips during cold openings during the third season. The Mooninites also received national controversial attention on January 31, 2007 during the 2007 Boston bomb scare when LED displays resembling them were placed in various locations in Boston, Massachusetts and were mistaken for bombs causing a panic. The duo has received a positive reception from reviewers at IGN, and have appeared in various forms of media relating to the series including the 2007 series film adaption Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters.