Meatwad is a fictional character on the Adult Swim animated television series Aqua Teen Hunger Force (also known by various alternative titles). Meatwad is a simple-minded, naïve, short attention-spanned giant anthropomorphic ball of ground meat, who is often tricked, manipulated, and bullied by various villains or his roommate Master Shake. Meatwad has the ability to shape shift and can multiply when cut into pieces. Meatwad was created and designed by series creators Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro, and Willis also provides his voice.
Like the other main characters, Master Shake and Frylock, Meatwad originally appeared in the Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode "Baffler Meal", and then made his first official appearance in the show's first episode, "Rabbot". Meatwad has appeared in several video games and albums relating to the series including the 2007 film Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters. Meatwad has also made cameos in promotional material and other media outside of the series.