Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver is the fictional title character in the American television series Leave It to Beaver. Originally played by Jerry Mathers, seven-year-old ("almost eight") Beaver is son to June and Ward Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont) and sibling to thirteen-year-old Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow).
Beaver prefers "messin' around" with his pals and reading comic books to attending church or taking dance lessons. Most episodes in the series feature Beaver getting into some sort of trouble at home, in school, or around the neighborhood and then receiving timely and appropriate moral instruction from his father regarding his misbehavior.
Leave It to Beaver was created by writers Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher, who found inspiration for dialogue and plot lines among their own children. Beaver was based on Connelly's son Ricky.
Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver is portrayed by Jerry Mathers in the pilot "It's a Small World", the original series, the spinoff telemovie, Still the Beaver and the sequel series, The New Leave It to Beaver. In the reunion telemovie and the sequel series, Beaver is a divorced father of two children living at home with his widowed mother, June. In the 1997 feature film adaptation of the original series Leave It to Beaver, Beaver is played by Cameron Finley
, 1h24 Directed byAndy Cadiff OriginUSA GenresDrama, Comedy, Adventure ActorsChristopher McDonald, Janine Turner, Cameron Finley, Erik von Detten, Erika Christensen, Adam Zolotin Rating52% Beaver (Cameron Finley) gets his heart set on a bicycle in a store window, but does not think his parents will shell out that money for it. Eddie Haskell (Adam Zolotin) tells him that if he sucks up to his father (Christopher McDonald), by signing up for football, he will be sure to get it on his upcoming birthday. He enrolls on the football team and doggedly endures the practices, despite his disadvantage of being smaller than most his teammates. As Eddie predicted, Ward is glad Beaver signed up for football, as evidenced by a brief fantasy Ward has of Beaver making a touchdown while several professional football players all fail to tackle him. However, the first game of the season ends poorly when he passes the ball to a kid on the opposing team when he mistakingly remembered him as a friend from summer camp. On the first day of school five days later, Ward and June (Janine Turner) tell Wally to drop Beaver off and pick him up for a few days because he has never ridden his bike there before. At school he sits beside a very pretty girl named Susan Akatsu (Brenda Song) and has a kind teacher named Miss Landers (Grace Phillips). After school Eddie asks Wally to come to the soda shop to see him flirt with Karen (Erika Christensen). Eddie does not want Beaver to follow them, so Wally leaves him alone at the bike rack telling him he will be back in a second.