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Christl Mardayn is a Actor Autrichienne born on 8 december 1896 at Vienna (Austria)

Christl Mardayn

Christl Mardayn
Christl Mardayn participated to 10 films (as actor, director or script writer).
Among those, 1 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :


The Story of Vickie, 1h58
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Adrian Hoven, Magda Schneider, Peter Weck, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Christl Mardayn
Roles Duchess of Kent
Rating64% 3.205783.205783.205783.205783.20578
After her Prime Minister Lord Melbourne arranges a marriage for her with the German Prince Albert, the young Queen Victoria decides to leave London and spend some time in Kent. While there she meets a handsome young German and falls in love, unaware that he is her intended husband Albert.