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Davy Chou is a Director and Scriptwriter French born on 13 august 1983

Davy Chou

Davy Chou
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Nationality France
Birth 13 august 1983 (41 years)

Davy Chou, né le 13 août 1983 à Fontenay-aux-Roses, est un cinéaste franco-cambodgien.


Davy Chou est le petit-fils de Van Chann, un des principaux producteurs du Cambodge dans les années 1960 et 1970.

En 2009, Davy Chou crée à Phnom Penh un atelier de cinéma avec 6 universités et 60 étudiants, Kon Khmer Koun Khmer (កុនខ្មែរ កូនខ្មែរ, Films khmers, jeunes Khmers), producteur d’un film de suspense de 45 minutes tourné au Cambodge et dirigé par les étudiants, Twin Diamonds .

En 2010-2011, il part au Cambodge à la recherche des témoins survivants (professionnels, spectateurs, bâtiments) de l’âge d’or du cinéma cambodgien, entre 1960 et 1975 (près de 400 films, dont beaucoup ont été détruits ou perdus sous les Khmers rouges). Il interview entre autres l'actrice Dy Saveth et les cinéastes Ly Bun Yim, Yvon Hem (décédé le 10 août 2012) et Ly You Sreang.

Le documentaire de 100 minutes qui résulte de ce travail de mémoire, Le Sommeil d'or (en anglais, Golden Slumbers, en khmer, ដំណេកមាស, Dâmnek Meas), est sorti en France le 19 septembre 2012 et en DVD en avril 2013 a été sélectionné dans de nombreux festivals de cinemanotamment le Forum du Festival International du Film de Berlin 2012, le Festival International du Film de Busan 2011 et a remporte le prix One+One du Festival International du Film de Belfort 2011.

Son court métrage Cambodia 2099 narre l'histoire de deux jeunes cambodgiens qui se retrouvent à Diamond Island pour parler de leur rêve. Le film a été sélectionné à la Quinzaine des réalisateurs en 2014 et a remporté le Grand Prix du Festival du film de Vendôme 2014.

Son premier long métrage de fiction, Diamond Island, a été sélectionné par la Semaine de la critique du Festival de Cannes 2016.

Davy Chou a créé en 2009 avec Jacky Goldberg et Sylvain Decouvelaere la société de production Vycky Films, ainsi que Anti-Archive en 2014 avec Steve Chen et Kavich Neang.

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Davy Chou (3 films)

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Diamond Island, 1h39
Directed by Davy Chou
Origin France
Genres Drama
Rating66% 3.301823.301823.301823.301823.30182
Bora, 18 ans, quitte son village natal à la campagne pour gagner Phnom Penh où il va travailler sur le chantier d'un complexe immobilier ultra-moderne sur Diamond Island.
Golden Slumbers, 1h40
Directed by Davy Chou
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Documentary
Rating72% 3.603883.603883.603883.603883.60388
Le cinéma cambodgien, né en 1960, a vu son irrésistible ascension stoppée brutalement en 1975 par l'arrivée au pouvoir des Khmers Rouges. La plupart des films ont disparu, les acteurs été tués et les salles de cinéma été transformées en restaurants ou karaokés. Le sommeil d'or filme la parole de quelques survivants et tente de réveiller l'esprit de ce cinéma oublié.
The Twin Diamonds, 45minutes
Directed by Davy Chou

Lyda, a university student, lost a valuable item, in which nobody knows what exactly the item is or where it is at. A cleaner spots a man with a dog. That night, two strange people exchange a dog in a deserted land. The day after, the cleaner recognizes the dog in front of the school and brings it inside the school. They decide to follow the dog. Vutha, the volunteer, follows the dog and discovers a group of young gangsters in an old abandoned building. Hidden, Vutha hears that the gangsters killed Lydas’ father. Trying to escape, Vutha slips and he gangsters fire at him. Seila, another student, was walking in the streets when he heard the gunshots. He finds his friend Vutha dead. He takes Vutha's phone. Seila meets Lyda in the streets and tells her about the incident. They look at a video Vutha took with his phone while listening to the gangsters, but then they see among the group a girl with exactly the same necklace Lyda inherits. Seila, confused, gets scared and escapes from Lyda. But suddenly someone hits him in the face and he knocks out. When Seila wakes up, he sees the girl in the video, with the same necklace, speaking with Lyda. The other girl, named Lina, explains to Lyda that she belongs to the gangsters group, but that when they wanted to kill Lyda’s dad, then the dad saw Lina’s necklace and explained to her that she was his daughter. Lina believed him, but couldn’t succeed in saving her dad from the gangsters. The two sisters, crying, turn to reconciliation. In Lyda’s house, Lyda’s nanny explains to the two girls that she knew their mother: when they were babies she asked her to take care of them, and also gave her the two necklaces. While walking in the streets the two girls help a woman who had fallen on the floor. Staring at their necklaces, the woman seems to be very surprised and ask Lyda and Lina to have tea with her in order to thank them. In the restaurant they realize that the woman is their mother. 20 years ago their dad was the mafia leaderwhich is the reason why their mother left him for he wouldn't quit. Indeed she asked the nanny to take care of her two daughters. But she doesn't know why Lina was separated from her father. That is when the nanny explains that Lina was stolen as a baby. Back at He came to tell them that the gangsters caught Seila during their absence. Furthermore, he reveals the reason why the gangsters killed Lyda and Lina’s father. He points out that 20 years ago their father had stolen 2 diamonds from the mafia. The gangsters are now willing to hold their friend, Seila, hostage in exchange for their 2 diamonds that has been stolen from them. Then their mother indicates that she stole the diamonds from her husband and hid them in the two necklaces she gave to her daughters. Surprised, Sovannara runs to find Seila when they get a knock at the door. That is when they realize that their father was alive all along. The necklaces were the reason why they were separated at first but in the end, the necklaces were the items that helped build the foundation of their family.


Diamond Island, 1h39
Directed by Davy Chou
Origin France
Genres Drama
Rating66% 3.301823.301823.301823.301823.30182
Bora, 18 ans, quitte son village natal à la campagne pour gagner Phnom Penh où il va travailler sur le chantier d'un complexe immobilier ultra-moderne sur Diamond Island.
Golden Slumbers, 1h40
Directed by Davy Chou
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Documentary
Rating72% 3.603883.603883.603883.603883.60388
Le cinéma cambodgien, né en 1960, a vu son irrésistible ascension stoppée brutalement en 1975 par l'arrivée au pouvoir des Khmers Rouges. La plupart des films ont disparu, les acteurs été tués et les salles de cinéma été transformées en restaurants ou karaokés. Le sommeil d'or filme la parole de quelques survivants et tente de réveiller l'esprit de ce cinéma oublié.
The Twin Diamonds, 45minutes
Directed by Davy Chou

Lyda, a university student, lost a valuable item, in which nobody knows what exactly the item is or where it is at. A cleaner spots a man with a dog. That night, two strange people exchange a dog in a deserted land. The day after, the cleaner recognizes the dog in front of the school and brings it inside the school. They decide to follow the dog. Vutha, the volunteer, follows the dog and discovers a group of young gangsters in an old abandoned building. Hidden, Vutha hears that the gangsters killed Lydas’ father. Trying to escape, Vutha slips and he gangsters fire at him. Seila, another student, was walking in the streets when he heard the gunshots. He finds his friend Vutha dead. He takes Vutha's phone. Seila meets Lyda in the streets and tells her about the incident. They look at a video Vutha took with his phone while listening to the gangsters, but then they see among the group a girl with exactly the same necklace Lyda inherits. Seila, confused, gets scared and escapes from Lyda. But suddenly someone hits him in the face and he knocks out. When Seila wakes up, he sees the girl in the video, with the same necklace, speaking with Lyda. The other girl, named Lina, explains to Lyda that she belongs to the gangsters group, but that when they wanted to kill Lyda’s dad, then the dad saw Lina’s necklace and explained to her that she was his daughter. Lina believed him, but couldn’t succeed in saving her dad from the gangsters. The two sisters, crying, turn to reconciliation. In Lyda’s house, Lyda’s nanny explains to the two girls that she knew their mother: when they were babies she asked her to take care of them, and also gave her the two necklaces. While walking in the streets the two girls help a woman who had fallen on the floor. Staring at their necklaces, the woman seems to be very surprised and ask Lyda and Lina to have tea with her in order to thank them. In the restaurant they realize that the woman is their mother. 20 years ago their dad was the mafia leaderwhich is the reason why their mother left him for he wouldn't quit. Indeed she asked the nanny to take care of her two daughters. But she doesn't know why Lina was separated from her father. That is when the nanny explains that Lina was stolen as a baby. Back at He came to tell them that the gangsters caught Seila during their absence. Furthermore, he reveals the reason why the gangsters killed Lyda and Lina’s father. He points out that 20 years ago their father had stolen 2 diamonds from the mafia. The gangsters are now willing to hold their friend, Seila, hostage in exchange for their 2 diamonds that has been stolen from them. Then their mother indicates that she stole the diamonds from her husband and hid them in the two necklaces she gave to her daughters. Surprised, Sovannara runs to find Seila when they get a knock at the door. That is when they realize that their father was alive all along. The necklaces were the reason why they were separated at first but in the end, the necklaces were the items that helped build the foundation of their family.