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Elaine Sterne Carrington is a Scriptwriter American born on 14 june 1891 at New York City (USA)

Elaine Sterne Carrington

Elaine Sterne Carrington
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Nationality USA
Birth 14 june 1891 at New York City (USA)
Death 4 may 1958 (at 66 years) at New York City (USA)

Elaine Sterne Carrington (June 14, 1891, New York, New York – May 4, 1958, New York, New York) was an American screenwriter, playwright, novelist and short story author who found her greatest success writing for radio. Carrington originated radio soap opera in 1932, and wrote more than 12,000 daily dramas during her long career. At one time she wrote three separate shows — Pepper Young's Family, When a Girl Marries and Rosemary — that each ran five times a week.


Elaine Sterne was born in Manhattan, the daughter of Marie Louise Henriques and Theodore Sterne, an importer of tobacco. Sterne was educated at Columbia University. In 1920, she married attorney George Dart Carrington, whom she had met in grade school. He died in 1945. They had two children, Patricia and Robert.

She began writing films in 1913, and her scenario for The Sins of the Mothers (1914) won first prize in a contest sponsored by The New York Evening Sun and Vitagraph Studios. By 1930 she had 50 screenwriting credits — including one for Alibi, the 1929 adaptation of her 1927 Broadway play, "Nightstick", which she wrote with J.C. Nugent, Elliot Nugent and John Wray. She also wrote several one-act vaudeville plays including A Good Provider (1928), The Red Hat, Five Minutes from the Station, and Fear.

Elaine Sterne's first published story, "The King of the Christmas Feast," appeared in the December 1914 issue of St. Nicholas Magazine. By the time she was in her 20s her fiction appeared in popular magazines including Collier's, Good Housekeeping, Harper's Magazine, Pictorial Review, Redbook, The Saturday Evening Post and Woman's Home Companion. She also wrote novels, including The Road to Ambition (1917) and The Gypsy Star (1936), and she collected some of her short fiction in the 1939 book, All Things Considered.

Carrington's writing career was transformed in 1932, when a friend persuaded her to approach the National Broadcasting Company about trying a dramatic serial on radio. Starring Burgess Meredith, the 15-minute drama Red Adams ran three days a week (October 2, 1932–January 22, 1933). When it found a new sponsor it was renamed Red Davis (October 2, 1933–May 24, 1935).

"It was put on five days a week and became an enormous hit with housewives whose attentions could be diverted from the tedium of housekeeping," wrote The New York Times in 1958. "The program changed sponsors again — this time to a soap company — and it became the famous Pepper Young's Family, for which Mrs. Carrington at her death was still writing five fifteen-minute programs a week."

Carrington created a second serial drama, When a Girl Marries (1939–1957), and a third, Rosemary (1944–1955) — requiring her to produce about 38,000 words a week. In 1946 she was earning $200,000 a year.

In 1946 she created The Carrington Playhouse, a radio show that produced original plays that won its weekly contest. She also wrote patriotic scripts for the U.S. government during World War II, and after the war wrote dramas for Robert Montgomery Presents and other television programs.

Carrington's full-length plays include Remember Me? (1953), Maggie, Pack Your Bags (1954), and The Empress, a 1955 comedy that was presented in Westport, Connecticut, with Geraldine Page.

Pepper Young's Family continued for a year after Carrington's death on May 4, 1958. She died at New York Hospital at age 66, after a brief illness.

"No one ever came close to Mrs. Carrington's formidable output," reported The New York Times, "and in the world of radio the plump, pleasant, mink-clad author was universally known as 'the Queen of the Soapers.'"

Best films

Alibi (1929)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Elaine Sterne Carrington (4 films)

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The Pride of the Clan, 1h24
Directed by Maurice Tourneur, Clarence Brown
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Mary Pickford, Matt Moore, Leatrice Joy, Madlaine Traverse, Warren Cook
Roles Writer
Rating63% 3.1896053.1896053.1896053.1896053.189605
Son père, chef d'un clan sur la côte ouest de l'Écosse, étant décédé en mer lors d'une tempête, Marget MacTavish console les autres membres du clan malgré son chagrin. Le dimanche suivant, Marget devient chef du clan et conduit tout le monde dans une église proche, seul David Pitcairn ne s'y rend pas, car il pense que prier ne sert à rien. Quand Marget et Jamie Campbell, un jeune pêcheur, se fiancent lors d'une cérémonie traditionnelle, M Campbell écrit à la Comtesse de Dunstable pour lui confesser que, des années auparavant alors qu'elle était la nurse de Jamie, elle avait dit qu'il était mort afin de l'élever pour elle-même. La Comtesse arrive avec son second mari, qui convainc Marget que, pour le bien de Jamie, elle devrait rompre les fiançailles. Malgré les protestations de Jamie, Marget use de son autorité de chef pour lui ordonner de la quitter. Marget part en mer pour quitter la région, mais son vieux bateau, peu en état de naviguer, commence à couler. Pitcairn sonne l'alarme, puis prie pour Marget pendant que Jamie prend le canot à moteur du yacht de sa mère pour la sauver. Les parents de Jamie acceptent finalement le mariage.