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Erner Huebsch is a Actor Allemand

Erner Huebsch

Erner Huebsch
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Nationality German
Death 17 february 1925

Erner Huebsch ou Erner Hübsch, mort à Berlin le 17 février 1925 fut un acteur allemand du cinéma muet.

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Filmography of Erner Huebsch (3 films)

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Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler, 4h57
Directed by Fritz Lang
Origin German
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Gertrude Welcker, Aud Egede-Nissen, Alfred Abel, Bernhard Goetzke, Anita Berber
Roles (uncredited)
Rating77% 3.896383.896383.896383.896383.89638
Part I — The Great Gambler: A Picture of the Time (Part I - Der große Spieler: Ein Bild der Zeit)
Harakiri (1919)
, 1h20
Directed by Fritz Lang
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes Seafaring films, Théâtre, Transport films, Films based on plays
Actors Lil Dagover, Paul Biensfeldt, Georg John, Meinhart Maur, Erner Huebsch, Loni Nest
Roles Kin-Be-Araki
Rating56% 2.806812.806812.806812.806812.80681
Nagasaki, Japan at the turn of the 20th century. Daimyo Tokujawa comes back to Japan after being an ambassador in Europe. A Buddhist monk wants Tokujawa's daughter O-Take-San to become a priestess of Buddha. In order to have her at his mercy, the monk sends the mikado a letter accusing the daimyo of conspiring against him. As a result, the mikado sends the daimyo a sword with which he commits suicide. The monk abducts O-Take-San but one of the Temple's servants let her escape and sends her to a tea-house where she becomes a geisha. A Danish naval officer, Olaf Anderson falls in love with her and marries her for 999 days, in accordance with Japanese custom. Shortly afterwards, Olaf Anderson goes back to his country and O-Take-San gives birth to his son. She refuses proposals to be married to Prince Matahari because she considers herself still married to Olaf. After four years, when her marriage with Olaf has expired and her son is going to be taken by the state, Olaf comes back to Nagasaki. He is now married and when is wife learns about O-Take-San's story, she goes to see her to say that she is willing to take care of her son. O-Take-San is desperate to see that Olaf has not even come to see her and answers that she will give her son only to Olaf in person. While Olaf's wife tries to convince him to come to O-Take-San's house, O-Take-San commits harakiri with her father's sword.
The Plague in Florence, 1h13
Directed by Otto Rippert
Origin German
Genres Drama, Horror, Historical
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about viral outbreaks, Disaster films
Actors Erner Huebsch, Auguste Prasch-Grevenberg
Roles Monk
Rating63% 3.1870553.1870553.1870553.1870553.187055
Grandeur et décadence de Florence, déchirée entre foi mortifère et débauche. Une pépite expressionniste aux somptueux décors et costumes, scénarisée par Fritz Lang et récemment restaurée. Ce chef-d'oeuvre inspiré d'une nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe, symbolise la chute de l'Empire allemand alors rongé par l'inflation. À la Renaissance, sous l'autorité d'un conseil d'anciens que préside Cesare, un austère potentat, la ville de Florence dépérit, écrasée par le poids de l'Église. Mais au cours d'une procession, une mystérieuse courtisane vient semer le trouble dans la pieuse cité. Bientôt, Cesare et son fils s'éprennent tous deux d'elle. Torturé sur ordre de son père, le fils tue ce dernier, alors que la ville, hantée par le spectre de la Mort, sombre peu à peu dans la débauche, avant d'être emportée par la Peste.