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Frédérique Meininger is a Actor and Writer French

Frédérique Meininger

Frédérique Meininger
Frédérique Meininger participated to 19 films (as actor, director or script writer).
Among those, 1 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :


The Lover
The Lover (1992)
, 1h55
Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud
Origin France
Genres Drama, Erotic, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about virginity
Actors Tony Leung Ka-fai, Jane March, Melvil Poupaud, Arnaud Giovaninetti, Frédérique Meininger, Jeanne Moreau
Roles The Mother
Rating68% 3.4024253.4024253.4024253.4024253.402425
The primary characters are known only as the Young Girl and the Chinese Man. The daughter of bitter, fearful, poverty-stricken colonials, the girl is a pretty waif who wears an old silk dress and a fedora, and paints her lips bright red when out of her mother's sight. She and her family are French, but live in Vietnam where her mother is a schoolteacher to local children. Her weak-willed mother, violent older brother, and timid younger brother live in a rural section across the river. The girl is a loner but an excellent student, who dreams of being a writer.