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Georg M. Reuther is a Writer and Production Manager Autrichien born on 23 november 1923

Georg M. Reuther

Georg M. Reuther
Georg M. Reuther participated to 9 films (as actor, director or script writer).
Among those, 2 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :


Death Watch, 2h8
Directed by Bertrand Tavernier, Jean Achache
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Social science fiction
Themes Films about television, Films set in the future, La téléréalité, Political films, Dystopian films
Actors Romy Schneider, Harvey Keitel, Harry Dean Stanton, Thérèse Liotard, Caroline Langrishe, William Russell
Roles Production Coordinator
Rating65% 3.2949153.2949153.2949153.2949153.294915
The film is set in a future where death from illness has become extremely unusual. When Katherine Mortenhoe (Romy Schneider) is diagnosed as having an incurable disease, she becomes a celebrity and is besieged by journalists. The television company NTV (headed by Vincent Ferriman) offers her a large sum of money if she will allow her last days to be filmed and made into a reality television show – they have already spied on her as she is told of her diagnosis (her doctor is colluding with them) and prepared posters for the show which show her face (to her annoyance when she sees the posters on display before they have contacted her).
A Woman at Her Window, 1h50
Directed by Pierre Granier-Deferre
Origin France
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Romy Schneider, Philippe Noiret, Umberto Orsini, Joachim Hansen, Victor Lanoux, Carl Möhner
Roles Production Manager
Rating60% 3.045333.045333.045333.045333.04533
Rico et Margot Santorini ne s'aiment plus. Lui, play-boy vaguement diplomate, collectionne les aventures féminines ; Margot, belle, riche et courtisée est dans l'attente d'un grand amour. En cette année 1936, le monde décadent et sans âme de la grande bourgeoisie grecque n'offre guère d'occasions de vivre intensément comme le souhaiterait la romanesque Margot, qui cache sa véritable nature sous un masque de cynisme et de frivolité. Certes, il y a Raoul Malfosse, le plus assidu et le plus sympathique de ses soupirants ; mais il est semblable à ces nombreux industriels plus attachés à la réussite de leurs affaires qu'au sort du monde. Cette chaude nuit d'août, où de sa fenêtre Margot est le témoin d'une chasse à l'homme, va bouleverser la destinée de la jeune femme.