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Karl Paryla is a Actor, Director and Writer Autrichien born on 12 august 1905 at Vienna (Austria)

Karl Paryla

Karl Paryla
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Nationality Austria
Birth 12 august 1905 at Vienna (Austria)
Death 14 july 1996 (at 90 years) at Vienna (Austria)
Awards National Prize of East Germany

Karl Paryla (1905–1996) was an Austrian theater actor and director, and later a film maker as well. A lifelong, dedicated communist, his career in the Austrian theater was first interrupted by the Second World War, and then strained by Cold War politics. In the 1950s he began working in East Germany, where he performed as an actor and directed plays and films. An actor trained in the school of Constantin Stanislavski, he is praised for the realism he brought to his performances especially in Johann Nestroy's plays and for his ability to organize large ensembles dynamically on the stage. He is remembered also for his work ethic and his fervent belief in the emancipatory power of the theater.


Paryla was born to working-class parents; his father was an instrument maker, and a lower officer and civil servant in the administration of Austria-Hungary. Born Catholic, he dropped his religious affiliation in 1922. He trained at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, and began a career as an actor with the Raimund Theater in Vienna (some of his siblings, including Emil Stöhr, also had theatrical careers) in 1924 and by 1926 was working in theaters in Germany, where he also became involved with communist workers' organizations. He was fired in Darmstadt in 1933 for political reasons and fled to Vienna, where he found work with the Theater in der Josefstadt. After the Anschluss he emigrated to Switzerland.

During World War II
In Zurich, he contributed to the reputation of the Schauspielhaus Zürich as an anti-fascist exile theater, performing in original productions and stagings of classical plays, and he played a central part in the development of realistic drama based on the work of Constantin Stanislavski. He had over 90 roles at the Schauspielhaus, performing in classical tragedy (the titular character in Oedipus the King) and comedy (Orgon in Tartuffe). He worked with Bertolt Brecht and played the role of Schweizerkas in the first performance of Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children. After World War II ended he was one of the first actors to return to Vienna, in December 1945.

After World War II
With Wolfgang Heinz and Emil Stöhr, Paryla was a founding member, from 1948 to 1956, of the "Neue Theater in der Scala", a "workers' theatre" financially supported by the Communist Party of Austria. The theater aimed to be a working man's group with a focus on the work of Austrian dramatist Johann Nestroy, on political drama, and on comedy, an unfavorable mix during the Cold War.

While Vienna was still divided between the West and the Soviet Union, he also worked in cinema, at the Rosenhügel Filmstudios. When the Soviets left Austria in 1955, he was blacklisted with many others who had worked for Rosenhügel. In 1952 already he had been prevented by American pressure from participating in the Salzburg Festival, where he was an annual regular; Paryla was supposed to have performed in Jedermann. Like many blacklisted actors and directors, he went to work in East Germany and began making movies for DEFA; his first was Mich dürstet, a film based on the Spanish Civil War. At the same time he continued to perform, in Berlin and Munich, with notable roles including Touchstone (As You Like It) and Mephistopheles (Faust), and above all as a Netroy actor. In 1966, he performed in Cologne in an adaptation of La Celestina. He died on 14 July 1996 in his native city, Vienna.

Usually with

Arthur Pohl
Arthur Pohl
(1 films)
Karl Günther
Karl Günther
(2 films)
Karl Hartl
Karl Hartl
(1 films)
Hans Moser
Hans Moser
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Karl Paryla (9 films)

Display filmography as list


The Angel with the Trumpet, 2h12
Directed by Karl Hartl
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Paula Wessely, Helene Thimig, Hedwig Bleibtreu, Maria Schell, Alma Seidler, Attila Hörbiger
Rating75% 3.7838253.7838253.7838253.7838253.783825
En 1764, Christoph Alt, un facteur de pianos viennois, fonde une fabrique de pianos et construit une maison où se trouve, au-dessus de la porte, un ange avec une trompette.
Nanon (1938)
, 1h23
Directed by Herbert Maisch
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Johannes Heesters, Otto Gebühr, Dagny Servaes, Oskar Sima, Kurt Meisel, Karl Paryla
Roles Louis XIV
Rating60% 3.045753.045753.045753.045753.04575
Nanon Patin par sa voix unique et légère, fait la joie de petits marquis, qui viennent l'écouter près de Paris, dans l'auberge où elle chante. Hector un jeune fat et le marquis d'Aubigné, qui fait partie du cercle de Ninon de l'Enclos font le défi d'embrasser Nanon. Le marquis d'Aubigné se fait passer pour un tambour de la garde et chante une sérénade à la belle qui est conquise... Tellement conquise, qu'elle décide de l'épouser et fait venir sa parentèle. Le faux tambour ne peut que fuir avec la complicité de soldats qui font mine de l'arrêter pour s'être prétendument battu en duel. Or le roi vient de signer un édit interdisant le duel sous peine de prison.
Burg Theatre, 2h2
Directed by Willi Forst
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Werner Krauss, Olga Tschechowa, Hans Moser, Karl Günther, Ady Berber, Erik Frey
Roles junger Schauspieler
Rating68% 3.4007153.4007153.4007153.4007153.400715
Vienne en 1900. Friedrich Mitterer, célèbre acteur du Burgtheater, voit prier dans l'église Leni Schindler, la fille du maître tailleur, et en tombe amoureux. Mais elle aime le jeune acteur inconnu Josef Rainer qui vit chez ses parents.
Only a Comedian, 1h35
Directed by Erich Engel
Actors Rudolf Forster, Paul Wegener, Hans Moser, Christl Mardayn, Grit Haid, Karl Paryla
Roles Anton, her bridegroom
Rating61% 3.075283.075283.075283.075283.07528
The young countess Beate von Dörnberg is travelling to Schönburg to the court of Duke Karl Theodor to take up residence as a lady in waiting. During an interruption in the journey while the coach is being repaired she gets to know two actors. The younger one is rather importunate, but the older one, Florian Reuther, tells her about the art of acting. The conversation is interrupted by the resumption of the journey, and the countess hopes to meet Reuther again.



Mich dürstet
Directed by Karl Paryla
Genres Drama
Themes Political films
Roles Writer