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Maïa Boulgakova is a Actor Russe born on 19 may 1932

Maïa Boulgakova

Maïa Boulgakova
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Birth name Maïa Boulgakova
Nationality Russie
Birth 19 may 1932
Death 7 october 1994 (at 62 years)

Maïa Grigorievna Boulgakova (en russe : Ма́йя Григо́рьевна Булга́кова), née le 19 mai 1932 dans l'oblast de Kiev et morte le 7 octobre 1994 à Moscou, est une actrice soviétique.


En 1955, Maïa Boulgakova sort diplômée de l'Institut national de la cinématographie (classe de Boris Bibikov et Olga Pyjova) et devient actrice du théâtre national d'acteur de cinéma. Elle apparait pour la première fois à l'écran dans le film Volnitsa sous la direction de Grigori Rochal en 1956. Sa carrière compte près de cent-cinquante rôles. En 1969, on lui confère le titre honorifique d'artiste émérite de la RSFSR et en 1977, le titre d'artiste du peuple de la RSFSR.

Le 1er octobre 1994, en se rendant à un concert, Maïa Boulgakova est victime d'un accident de la route. La voiture dans laquelle l'actrice se trouve, avec sa collègue Liubov Sokolova, percute un poteau électrique. Le chauffeur meurt sur le coup. Maïa Boulgakova, sans reprendre connaissance, reste à l'hôpital et meurt le 7 octobre 1994. Elle est enterrée au cimetière Rakitki de Moscou.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Maïa Boulgakova (6 films)

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Trial on the Road, 1h32
Directed by Alexeï Guerman
Genres Drama, War
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Rolan Bykov, Anatoli Solonitsyne, Vladimir Zamansky, Oleg Borisov, Maïa Boulgakova, Maya Bulgakovа
Roles une villageoise sans espoir
Rating78% 3.9365653.9365653.9365653.9365653.936565
This film is Alexei German's solo directorial debut which took a philosophical approach to the Soviet usage of "heroes" and "traitors". Screenplay by A. German and Eduard Y. Volodarsky (1941-2012), the film is based on the novel of his father (Operatsiya "S Novym Godom", or Operation "Happy New Year"), Yuri German (1910-1967), a famous Soviet novelist, screenwriter, and journalist. It was shot brilliantly in black-and-white by a crew of cinematographers (B. Aleksandrovsky, Lev Kolganov, Yakov Sklyansky) and Production Designer (Valery Yurkevich).
Farewell (1983)
, 1h48
Directed by Elem Klimov, Larissa Chepitko
Genres Drama
Actors Stefaniya Staniyuta, Alexei Petrenko, Lev Dourov, Alexeï Petrenko, Maïa Boulgakova, Maya Bulgakovа
Roles Nastasia, l'amie de Daria
Rating73% 3.6792353.6792353.6792353.6792353.679235
The existence of the village of Matyora, located on a small island of the same name, is threatened with flooding by the construction of a dam to serve a hydroelectric power plant. The villagers oppose their displacement and the loss of their traditions, but are eventually forced to bid farewell to their homeland.
No Path Through Fire, 1h35
Directed by Gleb Panfilov
Genres Drama, War
Actors Inna Tchourikova, Mikhaïl Kononov, Anatoli Solonitsyne, Mikhaïl Glouzski, Maya Bulgakovа, Maïa Boulgakova
Roles Maria, l'infirmière
Rating73% 3.6995953.6995953.6995953.6995953.699595
Une jeune infirmière et peintre amatrice est confrontée aux horreurs de la guerre civile.
Wings (1966)
, 1h25
Directed by Larissa Chepitko
Genres Drama
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors Maya Bulgakovа, Maïa Boulgakova, Rimma Markova, Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev, Olga Gobzeva, Zhanna Bolotova
Roles Nadezhda Petroukhina
Rating75% 3.7881153.7881153.7881153.7881153.788115
Nadezhda Petrukhina, a once heroic Soviet fighter pilot, is now living a quiet, disappointingly ordinary life as a school principal.
Chronicle of Flaming Years, 1h31
Directed by Yuliya Solntseva
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, War
Actors Boris Andreyev, Vladimir Zeldin, Zinaïda Kirienko, Vasili Merkuryev, Boris Novikov, Maïa Boulgakova
Roles Olena Stoupakova
Rating66% 3.3371653.3371653.3371653.3371653.337165
1941, début de la Grande guerre patriotique, le kolkhozien Ivan Orliouk, originaire des bords du Dniepr, devient soldat. Il participe aux premières batailles sur les rives du fleuve, avant d'atteindre Berlin. De retour au pays, il reprend les semailles sur la terre libérée.
The Cranes Are Flying, 1h38
Directed by Mikhaïl Kalatozov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Tatiana Samoïlova, Alexeï Batalov, Vasili Merkuryev, Valentin Zubkov, Valentina Ananina, Maïa Boulgakova
Roles femme d'un soldat
Rating82% 4.1463054.1463054.1463054.1463054.146305
Fyodor Ivanovich is a doctor who lives with his son, Boris; his daughter, Irina; his mother; and his nephew, Mark. The film centers on Boris's girlfriend, Veronika, during World War II.The character of Veronica represents Soviet women in the context of the aftermath of the aforementioned war.