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Mao is a Actor Italien born on 16 april 1971 at Turin (Italie)


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Birth name Mauro Gurlino
Nationality Italie
Birth 16 april 1971 (53 years) at Turin (Italie)

Mauro Gurlino, on stage Mao (Turin, 16 April 1971), is an Italian actor, guitarist, singer, DJ, VJ and radio-TV presenter.


Mao, stage name of Mauro Gurlino, was born in Turin, as he likes to say, somewhere between Foggia and Aosta, where he currently lives, on 16 April 1971. He obtained a degree in History and Criticism of the Cinema at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Turin, writing a thesis on the musical film Yuppi Du by Adriano Celentano. “He is and has been anything”, as once he was defined by a journalist describing his eclectic twenty-year career.

He was leader in the nineties of the band Mao e la Rivoluzione, through which he published two records for Virgin (Sale and Casa, attending Sanremo Giovani with the song Romantico).

He was presenter with Andrea Pezzi for TV shows broadcast on MTV, including Kitchen in which he interviewed guests in a kitchen and Hot, Romalive, Tiziana, and Tokusho. He was a presenter on radio stations since high-school (Radio Deejay, Radio Flash and Gru Radio).

He has acted in feature films (20 Venti by Marco Pozzi, 500! by Giovanni Robbiano, Lorenzo Vignolo and Matteo Zingirian, Perduto Amor by Franco Battiato, A/R Andata+Ritorno and Passione sinistra by Marco Ponti, I Solidi Idioti by Enrico Lando) and in short films (directed by Enrico Iacovoni, Nicola Rondolino, Igor Mendolia and Guido Norzi).

Over the years, he has collaborated with several musicians, among which, Delta V, Max Gazzè and Morgan, producer of his first solo record Black Mokette, published for Mescal. Together with Santabarba, he played as resident band for the music TV show Scalo 76 broadcast on RaiDue. For the Italian national broadcaster, he has been resident musician for the radio show Ventura Football Club broadcast on RaiRadio1.

For ten years, he has been organizing events for the Turin nightclubbing, through the soundtrack contests Duel, the song contests LaBase and the talk-show Il Salotto di Mao, formats which have hosted more than 300 artists.

In the last years, he has published his second solo record, Piume Pazze, distributed for free on internet, and the novels Meglio tardi che Mao (Express Edizioni) and Olràit! Mao sogna Celentano e gliele canta (Arcana Edizioni). In 2014, the debut record Fine by the electronic project Bit Reduce will be released.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Mao (1 films)

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