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Moffat Johnston is a Actor born on 18 august 1886

Moffat Johnston

Moffat Johnston
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Birth 18 august 1886
Death 3 november 1935 (at 49 years)

Moffat Johnston (1886 - 1935) was a Scottish born actor with a substantial U.S. stage career. He devoted more of his life to the stage and only appeared in two films, a 1911 Shakespearean silent, Richard III starring Frank Benson and a 1934 sound drama Midnight. He died after appendicitis surgery.

Appeared in several important Broadway productions in the 1920s ie Back to Methuselah, R. U. R., Six Characters in Search of an Author and John Barrymore's Hamlet, 2nd revival.

Johnston created the role of Oscar Jaffe in the 1932 play Twentieth Century. It was turned into a film, Twentieth Century in 1934 directed by Howard Hawks with John Barrymore as Jaffe.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Moffat Johnston (1 films)

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Midnight (1934)
, 1h16
Directed by Chester Erskine
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Sidney Fox, Henry Hull, O. P. Heggie, Margaret Wycherly, Humphrey Bogart, Lynne Overman
Roles District Attorney Plunkett
Rating55% 2.75092.75092.75092.75092.7509
Une femme accusée de crime passionnel risque d'être envoyée sur la chaise électrique par un jury populaire, mené par l'intransigeant Edward Weldon. Il se retrouve face à un dilemme quand sa propre fille est elle-aussi accusée d'un crime.