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Patricia Hilliard is a Actor born on 14 march 1916 at Quetta (Pakistan)

Patricia Hilliard

Patricia Hilliard
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Birth 14 march 1916 at Quetta (Pakistan)
Death 19 may 2001 (at 85 years) at Sussex (United-kingdom)

Patricia Hilliard (1916–2001), born Patricia Maud Penn-Gaskell, was a British stage and film actress.


She was born at Quetta, then in British India, now in Pakistan, on March 14 1916. She was the daughter of actress Ann Codrington (real name Marjorie Doris Codrington) and her first husband, Percy Charles Penn-Gaskell, a military. Hilliard later adopted the last name of her stepfather, actor Stafford Hilliard. In December 1915, while her mother was pregnant with her, her mother and her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Codrington, were aboard the british passenger liner SS Persia when it was sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean Sea. Ann Codrington was one of only 15 surviving women. Helen Codrington was lost.

Hilliard attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, where her performance in Moliere's Sicilien and her striking beauty led to a 2-year contract with Warner Brothers. After some modelling she appeared as an extra in Double Wedding (1933). She rapidly progressed, being the female lead in The Girl in the Crowd (1935) and Rene Clair's The Ghost Goes West (1935). She also appeared in Alexander Korda's Things to Come, based on H. G. Wells's novel. Her film career tailed off, but she continued to work on stage.

She married actor William Fox in 1938, with whom she had appeared on stage in William Congreve's Love for Love and the first production of J B Priestley's I Have Been Here Before (1937). She took a break between 1940 and 1944 following the birth of her first child and while her husband was on active military service in World War II, returning to the stage in 1944. In 1952 she joined the BBC's repertory company, before retiring in the early 1960s.

Usually with

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Filmography of Patricia Hilliard (8 films)

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The Missing Million, 1h24
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Linden Travers, Patricia Hilliard, John Stuart, Brefni O'Rorke, Charles Victor, Marie Ault
Roles Dora Coleman
Rating53% 2.694692.694692.694692.694692.69469
When millionaire-about-town Rex Walton (Ivan Brandt) mysteriously vanishes on the eve of his wedding, a chain of strange, violent events is set in motion. Intrepid Joan Walton (Linden Travers) assists Inspector Dicker (John Stuart) in the search for her brother. The main suspect is notorious criminal The Panda ("The Prince of Blackmailers").
The Ghost Goes West, 1h35
Directed by René Clair
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Themes Ghost films, Political films
Actors Robert Donat, Jean Parker, Eugene Pallette, Elsa Lanchester, Patricia Hilliard, Chili Bouchier
Roles Shepherdess
Rating66% 3.346593.346593.346593.346593.34659
Peggy Martin (Parker), the daughter of a rich American businessman (Eugene Pallette), persuades him to purchase a Scottish castle from Donald Glourie (Robert Donat), dismantle it and move it to Florida. Along with the castle goes its ghost.
Things to Come, 1h32
Directed by William Cameron Menzies
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War
Themes Space adventure films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Transport films, Sur la Lune, Aviation films, Films set in the future, Political films, Dystopian films, Sur la Lune, Disaster films
Actors Raymond Massey, Ralph Richardson, Edward Chapman, Cedric Hardwicke, Pearl Argyle, Margaretta Scott
Roles Janet Gordon
Rating65% 3.2979653.2979653.2979653.2979653.297965
In the British city of "Everytown", businessman John Cabal (Raymond Massey) cannot enjoy Christmas Day, 1940, with the news everywhere of possible war. His guest, Harding (Maurice Braddell), shares his worries, while his other friend, the over-optimistic Pippa Passworthy (Edward Chapman), believes it will not come to pass, but if it does, it will accelerate technological progress. An aerial bombing raid on the city that night results in general mobilisation and then global war.
The Girl in the Crowd, 52minutes
Directed by Michael Powell
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Actors Patricia Hilliard, Googie Withers, Harold French, Patric Knowles, Eve Lister, John Wood
Roles Marian
Rating60% 3.044023.044023.044023.044023.04402
The wife of a bookseller gives advice about picking up woman to her husband's friend (whom she has never met) over the phone. She advises him simply to follow the first pretty woman he sees. Unfortunately, when he takes her advice, she is the girl in the crowd he ends up following, leading to his arrest.
The Private Life of Don Juan, 1h29
Directed by Alexander Korda
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Douglas Fairbanks, Merle Oberon, Gina Malo, Benita Hume, Binnie Barnes, Melville Cooper
Roles The Girl at the Castle, a Young Girl in Love
Rating62% 3.1469953.1469953.1469953.1469953.146995
After many years in exile, Don Juan returns to Seville in secret. His wife has threatened to have him thrown in prison. Next morning he is surprised to find that all the town knows he is back (not surprising really as he had a big sword fight on arrival). Rodrigo, an admirer of his, follows Don Juan everywhere, wanting to be just like him, and able to give a good impression of him. Don Juan prepares to flee to France but Rodrigo is killed by a jealous husband who believes he is Don Juan and all Seville now believes him dead. He attends his own magnificent funeral, but finds many discomforts now while pretending that Don Juan is dead, before finally sorting things out.