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Richard Brouillette is a Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Editor Canadien born on 1970 at Montreal (Canada)

Richard Brouillette

Richard Brouillette
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Nationality Canada
Birth 1970 (54 years) at Montreal (Canada)

Richard Brouillette est un producteur, réalisateur, monteur et programmateur québécois, né en 1970 à Montréal.


D’abord critique de cinéma à l’hebdomadaire Voir (1989), Richard Brouillette a ensuite œuvré pour la société de distribution indépendante Cinéma Libre (1989-1999). En 1993, il a fondé le centre d’artistes autogéré la Casa Obscura, un lieu de diffusion pluridisciplinaire, où il organise depuis un ciné-club hebdomadaire, Les projections libérantes, dont il est aussi le projectionniste. Il a produit et réalisé trois longs métrages documentaires et a réalisé deux courts films expérimentaux. Il a aussi produit six longs métrages (dont cinq documentaires).

Usually with

Susan George
Susan George
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Richard Brouillette (3 films)

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Oncle Bernard - L'anti-leçon d'économie, 1h19
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes La mondialisation, Politique, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics
Rating67% 3.3635353.3635353.3635353.3635353.363535
Bernard Maris, alias Oncle Bernard, fut assassiné lors de l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, le 7 janvier 2015. Ce film, qui lui rend hommage, est uniquement constitué des rushes bruts d'une entrevue tournée avec ce dernier, le 8 mars 2000, dans le contexte du film L’Encerclement – La démocratie dans les rets du néolibéralisme. Le réalisateur laisse toute la place à la parole de Bernard Maris en n'intervenant que minimalement sur le matériau original, dévoilant ainsi les coulisses du tournage.
Encirclement - Neo-Liberalism Ensnares Democracy, 2h40
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes La mondialisation, Politique, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Susan George
Rating80% 4.048384.048384.048384.048384.04838
Drawing upon the thinking and analyses of renowned intellectuals, the documentary sketches a portrait of neo-liberal ideology and examines the various mechanisms used to impose its dictates throughout the world.
Too Much Is Enough, 1h51
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité

Too Much is Enough pays homage to Gilles Groulx (1931-1994), considered by many to be one of Quebec’s most important and original filmmakers. Tragically, Groulx’s career was cut short in 1981 after he was seriously injured in a car accident. From 1989 to 1994, Richard Brouillette met regularly with Groulx, recording the latter’s thoughts on his work and life. Too Much is Enough combines footage from these sessions, excerpts from Groulx’s films and interviews Groulx gave while at the peak of his career.


Encirclement - Neo-Liberalism Ensnares Democracy, 2h40
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes La mondialisation, Politique, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Susan George
Roles Writer
Rating80% 4.048384.048384.048384.048384.04838
Drawing upon the thinking and analyses of renowned intellectuals, the documentary sketches a portrait of neo-liberal ideology and examines the various mechanisms used to impose its dictates throughout the world.
Too Much Is Enough, 1h51
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité

Too Much is Enough pays homage to Gilles Groulx (1931-1994), considered by many to be one of Quebec’s most important and original filmmakers. Tragically, Groulx’s career was cut short in 1981 after he was seriously injured in a car accident. From 1989 to 1994, Richard Brouillette met regularly with Groulx, recording the latter’s thoughts on his work and life. Too Much is Enough combines footage from these sessions, excerpts from Groulx’s films and interviews Groulx gave while at the peak of his career.


Encirclement - Neo-Liberalism Ensnares Democracy, 2h40
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes La mondialisation, Politique, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Susan George
Roles Producer
Rating80% 4.048384.048384.048384.048384.04838
Drawing upon the thinking and analyses of renowned intellectuals, the documentary sketches a portrait of neo-liberal ideology and examines the various mechanisms used to impose its dictates throughout the world.
Too Much Is Enough, 1h51
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité
Roles Producer

Too Much is Enough pays homage to Gilles Groulx (1931-1994), considered by many to be one of Quebec’s most important and original filmmakers. Tragically, Groulx’s career was cut short in 1981 after he was seriously injured in a car accident. From 1989 to 1994, Richard Brouillette met regularly with Groulx, recording the latter’s thoughts on his work and life. Too Much is Enough combines footage from these sessions, excerpts from Groulx’s films and interviews Groulx gave while at the peak of his career.


Encirclement - Neo-Liberalism Ensnares Democracy, 2h40
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes La mondialisation, Politique, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Susan George
Rating80% 4.048384.048384.048384.048384.04838
Drawing upon the thinking and analyses of renowned intellectuals, the documentary sketches a portrait of neo-liberal ideology and examines the various mechanisms used to impose its dictates throughout the world.
Too Much Is Enough, 1h51
Directed by Richard Brouillette
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité

Too Much is Enough pays homage to Gilles Groulx (1931-1994), considered by many to be one of Quebec’s most important and original filmmakers. Tragically, Groulx’s career was cut short in 1981 after he was seriously injured in a car accident. From 1989 to 1994, Richard Brouillette met regularly with Groulx, recording the latter’s thoughts on his work and life. Too Much is Enough combines footage from these sessions, excerpts from Groulx’s films and interviews Groulx gave while at the peak of his career.