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Roger Gaillard is a Actor French born on 17 april 1893 at Salon-de-Provence (France)

Roger Gaillard

Roger Gaillard
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Nationality France
Birth 17 april 1893 at Salon-de-Provence (France)
Death 22 february 1970 (at 76 years)

Roger Gaillard est un acteur français, né le 17 avril 1893 à Salon-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône), mort le 22 février 1970 (à 76 ans) à Bourg-la-Reine (Hauts-de-Seine) pensionnaire de la Comédie-Française.


Actif au cinéma et au théâtre, Roger Gaillard fut pensionnaire de la Comédie-Française de 1916 à 1924.

Usually with

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Filmography of Roger Gaillard (11 films)

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Royal Affairs in Versailles, 2h45
Directed by Sacha Guitry
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Historical
Themes Politique, Political films, Histoire de France, French Revolution films, Films about royalty
Actors Georges Marchal, Michel Auclair, Claudette Colbert, Gaston Rey, Jean Marais, Louis Arbessier
Roles D’Alembert
Rating67% 3.3907153.3907153.3907153.3907153.390715
Historical human stories in connection with the Royal Palace, the Chateau of Versailles.
Les Enfants Terribles, 1h49
Directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Nicole Stéphane, Édouard Dermit, Jean Cocteau, Jacques Bernard, Renée Cosima, Roger Gaillard
Roles l'oncle de Gérard
Rating68% 3.445073.445073.445073.445073.44507
Elisabeth is very protective of her teenage brother Paul, who has been injured in a snowball fight at school and has to rest in bed most of the time. The siblings are inseparable, living in the same room, fighting, playing secret games, and rarely leaving the house. Paul’s friend, Gerard, often drops by to stay with them. One day Elisabeth brings home Agathe to live with them. She bears a strong resemblance to Dargelos, a schoolboy whom Paul had a crush on and the same boy who injured him. Paul and Agathe become attracted to each other, causing Elisabeth to be very jealous.
The Devil Who Limped, 2h5
Directed by Sacha Guitry
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films, Films based on plays, Histoire de France, French Revolution films
Actors Sacha Guitry, Lana Marconi, Henry Laverne, Jeanne Fusier-Gir, Jean Debucourt, Howard Vernon
Roles Lord Castelreagh
Rating68% 3.42283.42283.42283.42283.4228
Il s'agit de la biographie filmée du prince de Talleyrand, évêque d'Autun, qui servit la France de l'Ancien Régime jusqu'à la Monarchie de Juillet en passant par le Directoire, le Consulat, le Premier Empire et la Restauration.
Children of Paradise, 3h2
Directed by Pierre Blondy, Marcel Carné
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur, Maria Casarès, Marcel Herrand, Pierre Renoir
Rating82% 4.147194.147194.147194.147194.14719
Children of Paradise is divided into two epochs, Boulevard du Crime ("Boulevard of Crime") and L'Homme Blanc ("The Man in White"). The first begins around 1827, the second about seven years later. The action takes place mainly in the neighborhood of the Boulevard du Temple in Paris, nicknamed "Boulevard of Crime" because of all the melodramas and bloody scenarios offered to the largely plebeian public each evening. There are two principal theaters: the Théâtre des Funambules ("Theater of Tightrope Walkers") specializes in pantomime, since the authorities do not allow it to use spoken dialogue, which is reserved for the "official" venue, the Grand Theater.
Café de Paris, 1h31
Directed by Georges Lacombe, Robert Vernay, Yves Mirande
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Comedy thriller, Crime
Actors Véra Korène, Jules Berry, Albert Brouett, Alexandre Rignault, Simone Berriau, Jacques Baumer
Roles le substitut du procureur
Rating68% 3.404673.404673.404673.404673.40467
Alors que la clientèle cosmopolite et mondaine célèbre le réveillon dans les salons du Café de Paris, Lambert, le directeur de la feuille à scandale la Parlotte, est assassiné à minuit pile alors que la salle était momentanément plongée dans l'obscurité.
Night at the Crossroads, 1h15
Directed by Jean Renoir
Origin France
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Pierre Renoir, Michel Duran, Jean Gehret, Jane Pierson, Max Dalban, Roger Gaillard
Roles le boucher
Rating64% 3.245143.245143.245143.245143.24514
Le diamantaire hollandais, Goldberg, est retrouvé assassiné dans la voiture de l'agent d'assurances Michonnet, elle-même dissimulée dans le garage de ses voisins danois Carl Andersen et sa sœur Else Andersen, habitants du carrefour d'Avrainville. Le commissaire Maigret, qui enquête sur le vol de la voiture de l'agent d'assurances, met les maisons du carrefour sous surveillance. Malgré cela, la femme du diamantaire est également assassinée. Carl Andersen est également grièvement blessé par le tueur, puis Else est victime d'une tentative d'empoisonnement...
Baroud (1932)
, 1h19
Directed by Rex Ingram, Alice Terry, Rex Ingram
Origin France
Genres Action, Romance
Actors Roland Caillaux, Rex Ingram, Pierre Batcheff, Andrews Engelmann, Roger Gaillard, Colette Darfeuil
Roles Capitaine Labry
Rating57% 2.884992.884992.884992.884992.88499
André Duval, Français, et Si Ahmed, Marocain, sont des spahis et partagent une bonne entente. Jusqu'au jour où André séduit la sœur de Si. Ce dernier veut laver l'affront fait à sa famille. Mais lorsque la maison de la famille marocaine est attaquée, c'est André qui vient à leur secours.
La Chienne
La Chienne (1931)
, 1h31
Directed by Jean Renoir, Pierre Prévert, Claude Heymann, Pierre Schwab
Origin France
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Peinture, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Michel Simon, Georges Flamant, Viviane Romance, Magdeleine Bérubet, Roger Gaillard, Jean Gehret
Roles l'adjudant Alexis Godard
Rating74% 3.7451253.7451253.7451253.7451253.745125
Maurice (Michel Simon) is a married cashier who meets Lulu (Janie Marèze), a streetwalker. Their chance meeting results in Maurice falling in love with Lulu. She, however, is in love with her boyfriend-pimp, Dédé (Georges Flamant). Together, Dédé and Lulu plot ways to get Maurice to give cash to Lulu, mostly at the urging of Dédé.