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Vittorio Nino Novarese is a Scriptwriter, First Assistant Director, Art Direction and Costume Design Italien born on 15 may 1907 at Rome (Italie)

Vittorio Nino Novarese

Vittorio Nino Novarese
Vittorio Nino Novarese participated to 55 films (as actor, director or script writer).
Among those, 5 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :

Costume and makup

Blazing Saddles, 1h29
Directed by Mel Brooks
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Action, Western
Themes Films about films
Actors Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Harvey Korman, Madeline Kahn, Mel Brooks
Roles Costume Design
Rating76% 3.8473453.8473453.8473453.8473453.847345
In the American Old West of 1874, construction on a new railroad led by Lyle (Burton Gilliam) runs into quicksand. The route has to be changed, which will require it to go through Rock Ridge, a frontier town where everyone has the last name of "Johnson" (including a "Howard Johnson," a "Dr. Samuel Johnson," a "Van Johnson" and an "Olson N. Johnson"). The conniving State Attorney General Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) – who constantly has to correct people who call him "Hedy", the name of a movie star, instead of "Hedley" – wants to buy the land along the new railroad route cheaply by driving out the townspeople. He sends a gang of thugs, led by his flunky assistant Taggart (Slim Pickens), to scare them away, prompting the townsfolk to demand that Governor William J. Le Petomane (Mel Brooks) appoint a new sheriff. Lamarr persuades the dim-witted Le Petomane to select Bart (Cleavon Little), a black railroad worker who was about to be hanged, as he believes a black lawman will so offend the townspeople that they will either abandon Rock Ridge or lynch the new sheriff, with either result paving the way for him to take over the town.
Cleopatra (1963)
, 4h8
Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Darryl F. Zanuck, Rouben Mamoulian
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical, Peplum, Romance
Themes Films set in Africa, Politique, Political films, Films based on plays, Films based on works by William Shakespeare, Children's films, Films about royalty
Actors Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall, Martin Landau, Hume Cronyn
Roles Costume Design
Rating70% 3.500693.500693.500693.500693.50069
After the Battle of Pharsalus where Julius Caesar (Rex Harrison) has defeated Pompey, Pompey flees to Egypt, hoping to enlist the support of the young Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII (Richard O'Sullivan) and his sister Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor). The Romans hold, and the armies of Mithridates arrive on Egyptian soil. The following day, Caesar passes judgment. He sentences Ptolemy's lord chamberlain to death for arranging an assassination attempt on Cleopatra. Cleopatra is crowned Queen of Egypt. She dreams of ruling the world with Caesar. When their son Caesarion is born, Caesar accepts him publicly, which becomes the talk of Rome and the Senate.


Wild Is the Wind, 1h54
Directed by George Cukor, Arthur Rosson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Films about families
Actors Anna Magnani, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Franciosa, Dolores Hart, Joseph Calleia, Franklyn Farnum
Roles Novel
Rating65% 3.2968853.2968853.2968853.2968853.296885
Gino, quadragénaire d’origine italienne devenu un florissant propriétaire terrien et éleveur de moutons de l’État du Nevada, ne s’est jamais remis de la mort de sa femme Rossana. C’est pour cela qu’il a demandé par correspondance à Gioia, sœur de la défunte, de devenir sa femme sans toutefois l’avoir jamais rencontrée, car celle-ci vit en Italie. Gioia répond par l’affirmative et Gino va en Italie où il l’épouse puis revient avec elle au ranch familial. On comprend qu’il cherche un substitut à sa très regrettée première femme et incite d’ailleurs Gioia à se comporter comme la défunte. Or elle ne ressemble en rien à sa sœur, ni physiquement ni comme une femme discrète et soumise... Elle se confronte fréquemment à Gino malgré l’affection qu’elle éprouve pour lui alors qu’il ne lui témoigne qu’une triviale attention les moments où il ne la confond pas avec la défunte.

Costume and makup

Beautiful But Dangerous, 1h47
Directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Vittorio Gassman, Robert Alda, Anne Vernon, Tamara Lees, Mario Del Monaco
Roles Costume Design
Rating59% 2.956112.956112.956112.956112.95611
Lina (Gina Lollo) was an orphan, brought up by her adopted mother getting trained for music. Her mother became sick due to heart attack on the stage, and Lina will go to the stage in place of her mother. But a group of teaser will tease her, by connecting her mother name too and will not allow to perform. From the balcony a person, the prince of Russia, Sergio (Vittorio Gassman) will come down and make the teaser group go out of the theater and asks Lina to perform. It was a very good performance, but at the end she will come to know that mother had another attack, so been send to the long distance hospital. By the night she wanted to go, but there was no way to. Sergio will offer her lift to the hospital, and on the way he will come to know each other. The prince will not tell his real identity, but will say only that he came there for horse competition in the local club, and he stays regularly Paris and he is from Russia. By reaching the hospital, she will left her hand bag in the coach, Sergio by seeing that will put enough money and his golden ring in that, and give the bag to Lina. In hurry she will enter the hospital, and will find her mother is no more.
Cromwell (1970)
, 2h19
Directed by Ken Hughes
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Richard Harris, Alec Guinness, Robert Morley, Nigel Stock, Geoffrey Keen, Dorothy Tutin
Roles Costume Design
Rating69% 3.4966053.4966053.4966053.4966053.496605
Oliver Cromwell is a devout Puritan, a country squire, magistrate and former member of Parliament. King Charles I's policies, including the enclosing of common land for the use of wealthy landowners and the introduction of "Popish" and "Romish" rituals into the Church of England have become increasingly grating to many, including Cromwell. In fact Charles regards himself as a devout Anglican, permitting his French Queen to practise Roman Catholicism in private but forbidding her to bring up the young Prince of Wales in that faith. Cromwell plans to take his family to the New World, but, on the eve of their departure, he is persuaded by his friends to stay and resume a role in politics.