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Foundation date 1 january 1950

Fennada-Filmi was a Finnish film production company which was in operation from 1950 to 1982. It was one of the largest companies in its field in Finland from 1950s to 1970s. Mauno Mäkelä was the head of the company during its entire run.
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Filmography of Fennada-Filmi (2 films)

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The Witch
The Witch (1952)
, 1h20
Directed by Roland af Hällström
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Actors Mirja Mane, Hillevi Lagerstam, Toivo Mäkelä, Sakari Jurkka, Aku Korhonen, Helge Herala

Dans la campagne finlandaise, un archéologue découvre dans un marais une tombe contenant un corps féminin bien conservé. D'après les autochtones, il s'agit du cadavre d'une sorcière enterrée là depuis trois siècles et qui avait été tuée d'un pieu dans le coeur. La nuit suivante, une belle jeune fille nue surgit, clamant qu'elle est la sorcière revenue à la vie. Les paysans, notamment les femmes, parlent de la remettre dans son tombeau marécageux, alors que tous les hommes du manoir commencent à la désirer follement...


Gas, Inspector Palmu!, 1h34
Directed by Matti Kassila
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Toivo Joel Rinne, Matti Ranin, Leo Jokela, Elina Salo, Saulo Haarla, Pentti Siimes

Mrs. Skrof, a wealthy and hated woman belonging to a religious sect, is found dead in her apartment. She died apparently from inhaling gas leaking from her cooker while under the influence of sleep-medication. Several details of the case lead Inspector Palmu to suspect that she was murdered, including a crooked soup pot, her unusually strong sleeping pills and the fact her dog has been killed by breaking its neck.