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IMAX Corporation

IMAX Corporation
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Foundation date 1 january 1968
Creator Roman Kroitor
Creator Robert P. Kerr
Creator Graeme Ferguson

The IMAX Corporation is a Canadian theatre company which designs and manufactures IMAX cameras and projection systems as well as performing film development, production, post production and distribution to IMAX affiliated theatres worldwide. Founded in 1968, it has operations in Toronto, as well as New York City and Los Angeles.

As of December 2013, the IMAX theater network consisted of more than 837 theatres (IMAX, IMAX 3D and IMAX Dome) in more than 57 countries. The majority of theatres are equipped with IMAX 3D.
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Filmography of IMAX Corporation (9 films)

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Island of Lemurs: Madagascar, 41minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Documentary films about nature
Actors Morgan Freeman

The film takes place on Madagascar, and focuses on lemurs. The film also highlights Dr. Patricia C. Wright's efforts on her mission to help lemurs survive in the modern world. The film also focuses on the endangered levels of lemur species, who are losing their populations due to agricultural fires.
Born to Be Wild, 40minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Films about apes, Documentary films about nature, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Morgan Freeman

Born to be wild est un récit édifiant sur l’amour, le dévouement et le lien particulier qui unit les humains aux animaux. Ce film raconte l’histoire d'orangs-outans et d’éléphanteaux orphelins, et de ceux qui les ont sauvés et élevés – des personnes extraordinaires consacrant leur vie à la protection des espèces menacées.
Hubble (2010)
, 43minutes
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Transport films, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about technology
Actors Leonardo DiCaprio

Mai 2009 : La navette Atlantis, avec à son bord sept astronautes part pour une mission de réparation et de mise à niveau du télescope spatial Hubble. D'une durée de 13 jours, cette mission permet l'installation d'une caméra à grand champ (WFC-3) et d'un spectrographe des origines cosmiques (COS) ; la réparation des instruments ACS et de l'instrument STIS ; ainsi que le remplacement des batteries, gyroscopes et de l'instrument FGS. À bord de l'appareil, une caméra IMAX 3D a permis à l'équipe de filmer la mission.
Santa vs. the Snowman
Directed by John A. Davis
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Christmas films, Santa Claus in film
Actors Jonathan Winters, Ben Stein, Victoria Jackson, Don LaFontaine, Mark DeCarlo, Steve Oedekerk

Les traditions ancestrales sont menacées : un bonhomme de neige s'introduit dans l'atelier du Père Noël. Envieux de la popularité de ce dernier, ce bonhomme de neige veut devenir le personnage le plus aimé des fêtes de fin d'année. Il réunit donc son armée de glaçons et capture le Père Noël, déclenchant ainsi une guerre au Pôle Nord des plus héroïques et des plus drôles.
Space Station 3D, 47minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Actors Tom Cruise

Suivez la construction, puis la mise en service de la Station Spatiale Internationale à la réalisation de laquelle seize pays ont pris part.
CyberWorld (2000)
, 44minutes
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation
Actors Jenna Elfman, Matt Frewer, Robert Smith, Dave Foley, Woody Allen, Sylvester Stallone

Phig shows the audience the "CyberWorld", a futuristic museum of infinite possibilities. Meanwhile, three computer bugs--Buzzed, Wired, and Frazzled--come and try to eat the CyberWorld through its number coding. When Phig knows about them and hunts for the destructive computer bugs, she presents various short stock clips of computer animated productions, such as scenes from Antz and episodes of The Simpsons post-converted to 3D.
Cosmic Voyage, 36minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Actors Morgan Freeman

Cosmic Voyage takes on a similar format as the National Film Board of Canada's Cosmic Zoom, and IBM's classic Powers of Ten educational video. All based on the book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke. The film takes viewers on a journey through forty-two orders of magnitude, beginning at a celebration in Italy to zoom to the edge of the observable universe. The view descends back to earth, and later zooms in upon a raindrop on a leaf, to the level of subatomic particles (quarks).
Tiger Child, 17minutes
Directed by Donald Brittain
Genres Fantasy