The animated introduction revolves around how Devon (voiced by Snoop Dogg) becomes a Hound of Hell, in which he agreed to sell his soul to a demon named Liore (voiced by Hawthorne James) to bring back his dead sister (whom he has accidentally killed). Liore grants him knowledge, strength, and the power to decide who goes to heaven or hell for an unspecified period of time. The animation is switched out showing Devon as a real person, as he narrates the stories.
The film explores how Cynthia developed her unique pursuit, follows the ups and downs of casting sessions with a shy guitarist and an extroverted glam rocker, and goes along for the ride as Cynthia prepares for her first gallery show in New York City.
Dolemite is a pimp who is serving 20 years in prison after being set up by a rival, Willie Green. One day, his friend and fellow pimp Queen B helps him get out of jail, and plots with him to get revenge on Green.
Turner un soldat noir américain, est stationné dans une base française. Son capitaine lui offre une permission de trois jours. La première nuit, dans une boîte parisienne, Turner fait la connaissance de Miriam, une employée de magasin, française et blanche. Les deux jeunes gens apprennnent à se connaître et décident de passer le week-end dans un hôtel de Normandie. Mais les préjugés raciaux entrent bientôt en jeu.