Two Jacks is a 2012 comedy-drama film directed by Bernard Rose and starring Sienna Miller and Danny Huston. It is an adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's short story "Two Hussars" and is Rose's fifth Tolstoy adaptation, which include Anna Karenina (1997), Ivans XTC (2002), The Kreutzer Sonata (2008) and Boxing Day (2012). The film premiered in competition at the Montreal World Film Festival (August 23 to September 3, 2012).Synopsis
In 1992, Jack (Danny Huston), a legendary filmmaker returns to Hollywood after a long absence looking to secure finance for his new film project. His return to Tinseltown is heralded by a series of adventures, as he drinks freely, seduces a beautiful woman named Diana (Miller), quarrels with studio executives and finally procures funds for his new project by winning a poker game.