52 Tuesdays is a 2013 Australian coming of age drama film directed by Sophie Hyde. The film centres on a teenage girl dealing with her mother transitioning gender to become a trans man. The film showed at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival to critical acclaim.Synopsis
In Australia, 16-year-old Billie lives with her lesbian mother Jane, who is divorced from her father Tom, and with Jane's younger brother (Billie's uncle) Harry. One day Jane reveals plans to gender transition, now calling herself James. More importantly for Billie, Jane wants Billie to live with Tom for a year, with which Tom has agreed, restricting the time Billy is together with Jane/James to Tuesdays from 16:00 - 22:00, starting on the 23rd of August. The film is divided into the corresponding 52 segments, each covering one Tuesday, and starting with a title card showing the date.