A Divided Heart is an Australian film directed by Denny Lawrence, released in 2005, portraying a complex romantic conflict set in wartime Sydney, 1942, involving two sisters and an American army officer. The plot explores the theme of the attraction of Australian women to free-spending Americans while their menfolk are absent on military service.Synopsis
Charles and Millie Vickery operate a small pub in Sydney, with Millie's younger sister Alice helping out as a barmaid. Against Millie's strenuous advice, Alice starts seeing Nick Homer, a married American officer who is temporarily stationed in the neighbourhood. As Charles, her husband, is called up for Australian army service, Millie succeeds in ending Alice's affair but falls in love with Nick herself, conducts a torrid affair with him in secret, and becomes pregnant. When her husband unexpectedly returns, having been injured during training, Millie contrives to attribute her pregnancy to him, relying on his desire for a child whom they had previously failed to conceive over 8½ years of marriage.