A Little Trip to Heaven is an Icelandic-American noir-inspired drama and thriller film from 2005, directed by Icelandic director of The Sea, Baltasar Kormákur. The film is set in the U.S. in 1985 but almost entirely shot in Iceland. Icelandic musician Mugison composed and performed the soundtrack, except for the song "A Little Trip to Heaven," which is originally by Tom Waits. Mugison performs the Waits song on the soundtrack.Synopsis
The very beginning of the film, before the opening credits, shows a new widow sitting in a life insurance office. Expecting to be compensated for her husband's death, the widow is informed that she is not entitled to full death benefits because the insurance company has captured footage of her husband smoking and attributes cigarettes to his death. Abe Holt looks on as his co-worker convinces the widow that she's lucky to leave with a small fraction of the award she was expecting.