A Very Merry Mix-Up is a 2013 American romance television film directed by Jonathan Wright and starring Alicia Witt, Mark Wiebe, and Scott Gibson. Written by Barbara Kymlicka, the film is about a woman who flies to her fiancé's home town alone to meet her future in-laws for the first time at their Christmas gathering. At the airport, after discovering that her luggage is lost and her mobile phone is broken, she meets her future brother-in-law by chance for the first time. He takes her to his parents' home, where she meets a warm loving family preparing for Christmas. Everything seems perfect until her "fiancé" arrives—and she realizes that she is with the wrong family.Synopsis
Alice et Will se sont connus sur un site de rencontres. Alice a repris le magasin d'antiquités de son père alors que Will, agent immobilier ambitieux, lui conseillait de vendre. Après l'avoir demandée en mariage, Will l'invite à passer Noël chez ses parents, l'envoyant en avance le temps de boucler une affaire. À l'aéroport, suite à un quiproquo, Alice rencontre Matt, qu'elle croit être le frère de Will…