Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas (French: Michael Kohlhaas) is a 2013 French-German drama film directed by Arnaud des Pallières based on Heinrich von Kleist's novella Michael Kohlhaas, which again is based on the story of Hans Kohlhase. It was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.Synopsis
During the 16th century, horse dealer Michael Kohlhaas is taking his horses to market; when he must pass through a local baron's lands, the baron seizes two of his horses, even though tolling rights were abolished in the country. When Kohlhaas discovers that his loyal servant was attacked by the baron's guard dogs, and that his horses have been injured and abused, he attempts to sue for monetary compensation, but his lawsuit is dismissed because the baron has a kinsman in the court. Later, Kohlhaas's wife dies from injuries suffered at the hands of the baron's men.