Amrut Manthan (Churning For Nectar) is a 1934 Marathi costume drama film directed by V. Shantaram and his Prabhat Film Company. The film was produced in Marathi and Hindi. The film starred Chandra Mohan, Nalini Tarkhad, Shanta Apte, G. R. Mane, Varde, and Kelkar. The film was based on Narayan Hari Apte's novel "Bhagyashree".Synopsis
Considered a classic Indian film, Amrut Manthan depicts Chandika cult followers who meet in a dungeon. King Krantivarma (Varde) had banned human and animal sacrifices from what he perceived as increasingly fanatical festivals dedicated to the goddess. As a reaction to this, the cult's high priest (Chandra Mohan) orders the unfortunate Vishwagupta (Kelkar) to kill the king. He obeys, but is then betrayed by the priest and caught. His son Madhavgupta (Mane) and his daughter Sumitra (Apte) join forces with the princess (Nalini Tarkhad), and the people finally overthrow the priest.