An Extremely Goofy Movie (also known as A Goofy Movie 2), is a 2000 American direct-to-video animated comedy film made by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Douglas McCarthy, it is the sequel to the 1995 film A Goofy Movie, featuring the return of characters from the television series Goof Troop. The story follows Max's freshman year at college, which is compounded by his father's presence when Goofy arrives at the same college to get a degree because of his failure to complete college.Synopsis
Max Goof, now nearly 18 years old, departs for college with his best friends P.J. and Bobby Zimeruski. He strives to work together with his friends to become the top team at the college X Games. Upon arriving, Max is met by the "Gamma Mu Mu" fraternity, who are the reigning X-Games champions, including their leader, Bradley Uppercrust III. Bradley invites only Max to join his fraternity, but Max refuses to leave his friends behind. A rivalry starts between Max's team and Bradley's Gammas, and they bet whoever loses in the finals will be towel-boy to the other.