Proposition for a Revolution is an upcoming 2015 Hindi/English Indian documentary film directed by Khushboo Ranka and Vinay Shukla and produced by filmmaker Anand Gandhi (known for his film Ship of Theseus), and is about the rise of anti-corruption protests in India and the formation and rise to power of the Aam Aadmi Party (Common Man's Party). The documentary is currently in production and is receiving donations via social media, crowdfunding and a website allowing people to make donations in return for film credits and an opportunity to work with the filmmakers in future projects. As of 10 June 2014, the filmmakers had shot over 400 hours of footage and were in post production and editing.Synopsis
The documentary is about the rise of anti-corruption protests in India and the formation and rise to power of the Aam Aadmi Party (Common Man's Party), which was an independent political faction that gained traction through campaigns against the corruption in Indian politics and was headed by political leader Arvind Kejriwal, and captures the day-to-day functioning of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) between December 2012 and December 2013, concluding with the Delhi elections.