Anton Chekhov's The Duel is a 2010 film directed by Dover Kosashvili. The film is a close adaptation of an 1891 novella by Anton Chekhov, The Duel. Set in a seaside resort in the Caucasus, the story centers on Laevsky (Andrew Scott), an aristocratic civil servant, and his mistress Nadya (Fiona Glascott), whom Laevsky is trying to abandon. The screenplay was written by Mary Bing. The Duel was filmed in Croatia. The film's cast is made up of British and Irish actors. It has generally received positive reviews.Synopsis
Laevsky is a Russian aristocrat employed by the civil service who is careless about his work, mostly drinking and playing cards. He lives with Nadya, a woman he seduced away from her husband. He receives a letter telling him her husband has died, but does not tell Nadya. He has come to the realisation that he has never loved Nadya and fears having to marry her. He is in debt and trying to find ways to escape his situation, and becomes increasingly irritable.