Aurora is a 1984 Italian drama film directed by Maurizio Ponzi and starring Sophia Loren, Edoardo Ponti and Daniel J. Travanti. In order to raise money for an operation for her son, a woman tells various former wealthy lovers that they are his father. Its Italian title is Qualcosa di biondo.Synopsis
A desperate woman (Loren), in crisis and poverty, is in search of the cruel husband (Noiret) who abandoned after giving her a son. The boy has now become almost an adult has a serious eye problem and is likely to become completely blind. The mother then choose to leave to go in search of his father, who in the meantime is starting a new life. When the mother finds out where he is, also learns that the cruel man has remade a family by marrying a young girl, who became the mother of a twenty-year-old son who has had the cruel man from another relationship.