Babumon is a 1975 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Hariharan and produced by GP Balan. The film stars Prem Nazir, Jayabharathi, Srividya and Adoor Bhasi in lead roles. The film had musical score by M. S. Viswanathan. The film was a remake of Hindi film Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Main.
Directed byRamu Kariat GenresDrama, Romance ActorsPrem Nazir, Jayabharathi, Thikkurissy Sukumaran Nair, Sankaradi, Kottarakkara Sreedharan Nair, Adoor Bhasi Rating64% The film portrays the life of "Adiyar" community, a tribe whose ways of life belongs to centuries ago. They live in the Wayanad hills in the deep Kerala forests. The film envelopes the passions, superstitions, religious practices, customs, and the servility and exploitation the tribal people endure. The film is narrated through the observations of an outsider.