Bachchan is an 2014 Bengali Action-Comedy-Thriller film, directed by Raja Chanda and produced under the banners of Reliance Entertainment and Grassroot Entertainment and distributed by Reliance Entertainment. The film feature actors Jeet and Aindrita Ray in the lead roles. It is the official remake of the 2011 Kannada film, Vishnuvardhana starring Sudeep, Bhavana, Priyamani and Sonu Sood.Synopsis
Bacchu a.k.a. Bijay (Jeet) is an die-hard fan of Amitabh Bachchan, who kept the later's name Vijay (from the film Coolie) and also adopted the surname of the legend. Bijay is the son of a washerman Ramesh (Supriyo Datta), who doesn't want to be like his father, but dreams of earning million bucks. He has an astrologer friend Shankar (Kanchan Mullick) who predicts his future and tells him that his fortunes would change. While delivering the clothes washed and ironed by his father, to a retired Colonel (Kharaj Mukherjee), he falls in love with the latter's younger daughter Priya(Aindrita Ray).