Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969) is a cartoon created entirely by Marv Newland. Less than two minutes long, the film is a classic of animation—#38 in the book The 50 Greatest Cartoons (1994).
Newland was originally planning to do a live-action film; but, when he lost an essential magic hour shot, he drew this film in his room.Synopsis
The opening credits scroll over an animated image of the character Bambi serenely grazing while the Call to the Dairy Cows from Rossini's opera William Tell (1829) plays in the background. After the credits, Bambi looks up to see Godzilla's giant foot coming down, squashing him flat (set to the final chord of The Beatles' "A Day in the Life" played at half-speed). After a moment, the closing credits scroll over the image of Godzilla's foot on top of a squished Bambi. At the very end, Godzilla's claws twitch once.