Beauty in a Bottle is a 2014 Filipino comedy-satire film by Antoinette Jadaone. The film stars Angelica Panganiban, Angeline Quinto, and Assunta de Rossi and tells the story of three women and their struggles with their insecurities about how they look as they get caught up in the building craze for a new beauty product. It was produced by Quantum Films, Skylight Films, and Star Cinema for its 20th Anniversary.
The film had its commercial release on 29 October 2014Synopsis
Judith (Angeline Quinto), Vilma (Assunta De Rossi), and Estelle (Angelica Panganiban) are three women with different insecurities. Their lives intertwine when Vilma's advertising agency is looking for an endorser for a new beauty pill product called "Beauty in a Bottle." Little did they know, their lives will change when they finally accept what's inside the "Beauty in a Bottle."