Behind the Headlines is a 1937 American drama film directed by Richard Rosson from a screenplay by Edmund Hartmann and J. Robert Bren, based on an original story by Thomas Ahearn. It was produced and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures, who released the picture on March 14, 2014. The film stars Lee Tracy and Diana Gibson, with a supporting cast which includes Donald Meek, Paul Guilfoyle, Philip Huston and Frank M. Thomas.Synopsis
Eddie Haines is a radio reporter, who is known for his on-the-scene reporting. This is made possible through his use of a buttonhole microphone on his lapel. His associate, Tiny, transmits Haines' reports via a wireless set in his car. Haines is romantically involved with a newspaper reporter, Mary Bradley, who he constantly scoops. Frustrated with continually getting beaten to the punch on the news, Mary decides to eavesdrop on Haines in order to turn the tables on him.