BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn is an animated film based on the Lego Bionicle toys. It was released on September 15, 2009 in the United States and Canada, October 5, 2009 in the United Kingdom and September 2, 2009 in Australia. It is the last Bionicle movie to be released. The end of the story was posted on in web format, titled the “Mata Nui Saga.” This was the last Bionicle movie released on DVD. It also features a trailer for Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers. Unlike the first three Bionicle films, this film was released by Universal rather than Miramax.
The film stars Michael Dorn as the voice of Mata Nui in what was supposed to be a trilogy of films, but production schedules for the sequels were cancelled due to Lego discontinuing the release of Bionicle toys.Synopsis
Mata Nui (Michael Dorn), the Great Spirit of the Matoran universe on Aqua Magna, has been exiled from his home by his "brother," the evil Makuta Teridax. Teridax took over his gigantic robot body just after Mata Nui's reawakening and trapped the latter's spirit inside the legendary Kanohi Mask of Life. Teridax then banished the mask into orbit, in order to prevent Mata Nui from interfering with his takeover of the Matoran Universe.